It's Me.

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Benny's POV

I awoken to a powerful pain in my throat, only hours after the sudden appearance of Jesse. With a shakey hand, I touched the skin, where underneath it, burned terribly. I didn't realize I was in such vigorous sweats until I felt at bead of liquid drop onto the back of my hand, slowly making its way down my arm, and eventually onto a thin blue sheet. In seconds did I notice my surroundings, which I took in carefully, quite honestly afraid of seeing anyone who was of a beating heart.




The pain worsened as I thought of the delicate, light mixture that coursed quickly through a mortals body. I needed it bad, I craved it. I blinked a few times before canivorouslly locking my teeth onto my own wrist, sucking my own dead blood cells. Doing this, the only thing that passed through my mind, was the looks of the fangs of that damned man before he bit me, infecting me with this curse. Why did I have to get this? Why me?

I unlocked my jaw from my wrist, letting the limp arm fall to my side, the wound healing ever so quickly. After a moment of utterly still silence, I let my eyes wander around the room. It wasn't mine, I know that for sure. Who's was it...? The walls are painted a baby blue, same with the furniture, except for a few butterflies of various colors decored on the bedspread that covered my aching body, which was...naked?

Wait, what?

Where are my clothes?!?!

A faint blush draws itself upon my cheeks as I lift the fabric covering me, to see I was lacking clothing. But what caught my interest, was a weird design on my chest of anarchy. It was purple and black, the shadows of the design airbrushed as red. At the sight of the foreign masterpiece drawn into my skin, I dropped the sheets, laying my head back once again into soft pillows. I vaguelly kept my eyes open, I really couldn't bare the thought of what really happened. I don't even know how I got here, or what lead me here.

I just remembering having the most best time with a girl....damnit whats her name? Blonde hair...fangs...great. One night stand with the devil's wife, I'm guessing. Perfect. I close my eyes, taking in the sounds around me, which were a lot more sharper than before. There was a beeping sound, voices from downstairs, and the soft singing to my right...

My eyes reopen, looking towards the source of the singing, to find Erica by my bed, asleep, but singing. Oh my god, she has the voice of an angel! Taken in awe, I listen peacefully before an even more crucial pain shocks my throat, causing me to yell out in agony, tears welling my waterlines. Aparently, my yelling was extremely loud, because not even a milisecond after I begun, Erica was a wake, and two other people whom I can not recall ran into the room in a frenzy.

No matter what, I couldn't stop yelling, but it only increased the burning. It was like I had white fire ripping apart my flesh, dissolving the skin extremely slowly, one nerve at a time. Water poured out of my eyes, my body convulsing, and white foam rose out of my mouth, waterfalling the sides of my mouth. As soon as this all came, it went as my grandma rushed in, quickly wording her way through a spell to calm down my body from reacting as it did.

One last shake shook itself out of me, and I fell back into the bed, panting and coughing up the white stuff that formed with in me. "Benny?!" Erica was in shock of what just happened. "Did you just say, "blood?" It seemed like she was actually scared as of now. Wait, weird. I don't remember....I didn't say anything! I tried to speak, but Grandma put her hand above my mouth. "Don't say anything, deary. You need as much strength as you can contain. Your mortal body is dying." Dying is right, I feel like shit.

Not a moment after she said that, I passed out. This phase went on for a couple of days. I would wake up with the burning, start screaming, throw up occasionally, and pass out again, only to wake up a day after. Grandma had me hooked up to a couple machines, each day, I was attached to another. When I was awake, and able to speak, I asked Erica what I looked like, and also Ethan when he finally came in after it was 'safe' for him to. They both said good, but I know I was horrible. I felt it. My skin was dry, lips chapped, dark circles forming under my eyes, my skin becoming white and grey, almost dead-like. Hair a mess, weak as a kitten, and sicker than a dog.

And throughout all those days I was bedridden, no one would tell me what happened that night Jesse came from the crowd, and how I got the anarchy symbol. All I know, is that what ever the Benny that was in me before, wasn't there anymore. I had no humor, I had only a small sense of what they all were feeling around me. I found out who that blonde girl was that I f*cked, her names Annaliese, but I used to call her Anna. Its derranged that I couldn't remember her name, but I remembered Erica's and everyone else's. Maybe it was because I've known them for years, but I honestly don't know.

On the twelveth day of my dying state, Grandma had decided it was best to give me human blood; she didn't want to loose me completely. She didn't care that I was a bloodsucker, she's fine with Sarah and Erica. But the thing is, that mean't me sitting up, which I couldn't do at this point. I was so weak, even lifting my eyelids was a chore.

I let out a dry cough before my Grandmother put a cup full of blood taken by Ethan to my lips, pouring the liquid in slowely. A second from hitting the pit of my empty stomach, my eyes shot wide open, glowing a golden/redish color. I felt re-energized.

I felt like me again.

Hey, what has it been, a month since I updated? Well, anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry if it seems so dreary and dump-like. More-so run-ons and stuffsss. :P Yea, I know, I'm a lazy munchkin I'M SORRY!!!! But HERE TIS THIS BE HERE! READ IT! ENJOY IT! VOTE IT! REVIEW IT! DO WHAT EVER YOU WANT! Just don't steal my story ._. I will be mad...K TANKYOUS!

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