New Girl is one of my kind?

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Benny's POV

All around was black to me, and everything was silent but the sound of a dying beating. My body was stiff and sore, fire burning throughout me. I felt a icy solid touch to my forehead, which was covered in heated sweat. Voices were suddenly heard, but they were muffled. Concentrating hard, I could pick out a few words "sick" and "pain". Thats exactly what I was feeling. No, my stomach didn't feel a thing. Just my head, throat, and more importantly, my chest.

I tried to breath, but found I couldn't...Well thats great...Then, I found that I was able to move. I wiggled my fingers a bit, and crinkled my nose, trying to see if I could move more. With much effort, I forced my eyes open, which were shaded a bright blue. At first, my sight was just shadows, and fuzzy shapes, but then everything seemed to come into focus. I moved my head, looking around the room.

I was in my room of course. All my things sorted the way I like them to. My eyes wandered around for a bit before settling on a girl. She had beautiful blond curly locks that cascaded down past her shoulder blades and down her nicly sculpted back. Her eyes shined a shocking color of jade and pride. The girl was watching me look at her with a smile of relaxation to see me awake.

Curiousity hits me hard as she gets up and walks over to me. "Its good to see you awake, Benny. We thought you never would." She grins at me, her canines a little too long for a normal human being. "W-who are you?" My eyes widened a bit at how terribly hoarse and scratchy my voice sounded. "I'm your new neighbor, Annaliese Darhmaur. I just moved here a few days ago and I come every day to help your grandmother." Annaliese smiles softly at me, showing me a sign of piece.

"Oh..well I'm Benny." I squeak out with a side smile. She giggles and I grin at that. "I also know that your a supernatural being. So you dont have to be cautious around me." My heart, if it were to still beat, would of stopped right there when she told me that. "Y-you do?" Annaliese laughs and nods. "That your a spell master in training, and also a baby vampire." "How did you know that? The vampire part?"

"Because I'm one and I can tell, Im also a highly trained spell master. I can help you with your magic if you want." She winks, grinning, but this time, showing her fangs. My face flushes and I gulp, nodding. "I also know you are keeping your secret from your friends, I can help with that to." I nod the best I can but then get a sharp pain in my neck. A moan escapes my lips and I put my head back on the pillow, looking up.

"No blood?" "Nope..." She gets up quickly and flashes out of the room. I bite my tounge slightly and groan. How could the new girl of all people know that Im a less than a day!! And what are the odds of her being a spell master AND and vampire as well....hmmm. My thoughts are corupted when she comes back holding a water bottle with the substitute blood substance that my grandma makes for Sarah sloshing around inside.

Annaliese walks over to me and sets the bottle on my nightstand. After she did that, I felt her arm wrap around my shoulder, helping me sit up. It took a lot of effort for me, seeing how I was as weak as a kitten, I could barely lift my head off my pillow. The blond girl then grabs the water bottle, uncapping it. I watched her every movement with interest, my now blue eyes glowing a little in hunger.

She brings the bottle to my lips, while keeping my head up, I take in sip after sip. Annaliese is careful not to poor out to much, but also let some come out in a short amount of time. "There ya go." She rubs her hand on my shoulder as I drink, knowing that its taking a lot of energy on my part just to sip each one.

When I finally finish the bottle, which took me 3 minutes, I laid my head back down and closed my eyes, automatically tired. Who knew that drinking a subsititute for blood could make a fledgling so tired?! "You should get some sleep. I'll get your grandma to try to cover this all up, alright." I couldnt help my nod drowsly. When she got up to leave the room, I spoke up. "Thanks Annaliese, for doing this, and keeping my secret." I smile sheepishly at her. "Yah well, your welcome. And you dont have to call me Annaliese, Anna is fine." She smiles brightly at me before leaving the room.

Totally call dibs...

My Babysitters a Vampire~ I'm one but you dont knowWhere stories live. Discover now