I lost My Chance

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Benny's POV

It was almost time for the big celebration to start, which means everyone in our town is heading downcover here. Anna and I were then packed and ready to find our kind. We wore thick leather gloves and leather jackets. Shades were worn over our eyes along with black sweats to make running and kicking easier for us. I wore a black backpack on my back which was filled of the substitue liquid, Anna had incouraged it since being in a area with hundreds of people would make me go crazy. A wooden stake was hidden in my sleeve, ready to be taken out and used. 

Both me and Anna had water guns filled with holy water strapped behind our backs, under our leather jackets. That was a brutal job to do, and ,man, it did burn when it accidentally dripped onto my arm when I was moving it. Anna called me a baby when I yelped and cradled my arm, so I dripped some of it on her and did she do the same! She hissed at me afterwards and threatened me that she wouldn't kiss me for a whole week if I did that again. I just had laughed at her and told her "I'm pretty sure you would be sufferin the pain of not kissn' me. Cause, well, who couldn't resist this?" I had pointed to myself and she just slapped my arm. 

Anywho, we were creeping around everyone, using a invisibility spell so that humans couldn't see us, but sure enough, vampires could. We crept slowly through the crowd looking for people who were staring at us confused. We didnt see anyone watching us. A pain suddenly rips at my throat at rhe smell of a lot of blood. I paste a look of discomfort on my face, which anna takes note of. "This is why we bring extra bottles." she smiles at me. "I get more thirst rages than any other vampire out there huh? Its probably because I'm part zombie, thank you Mr. Walker, a spell master, AND now a vampire! I guess holding that much energy needs its part in being fueled more often.." I trail off and Anna shrugs. "Possibly. Because i domt get that a lot like you do." Not thinking clearly, I take Anna's hand and pull her at a quicker pace towards a tree, where then, I did the reversal spell. Again, we became visible, still hiding. 

"Well, obviously no one is coming out this early to hunt... How bout we go and have fun until something happens that isn't right?" I give her my puppy look and she sighs. "Ok! But only until something happens!" Anna removes her leather jacket and the backpack, I do the same. After we were stripped of the cloths, I reached out my hand to her smiling. "alrighty then!" I joke in a very terrible Spanish accent. I take her hand in mine and we run from behind the tree, ready to have fun together, as a couple. 

Well you got a girl Benny! And that girl actually likes you! My inner head said to me happily. Yah! Amazing huh? The best part is, I can kiss her any time I want to! Just see, inner voice in my head! I wrap my arms around Anna from behind when she stopped walking, and kissed the back of her head. She smiled and giggled a bit as well. See?! I totally got her! I yell in my mind. I see that because I'm you dumbo! I stop what I was doing and think to myself again. Wait did I call myself a dumby?? Ah well live to argue with yourself! I shrug and kisses Anna again just happy and can't wait to see what's in store.

~With Erica~

Erica's POV

Breathing in impatiently, I walked back and forth bored out of my mind, in front of ethan's house. Waiting for them to come out already. Every now and then I would look at my phone, waiting to get the usual text I would get from Benny, him asking I'd I could go on a date with him. But that text never came. Growling upsetly, I stop walking and just stared at my phone. If anything I should have gone on that date with him a long time ago, in fact I should be his girlfriend by now! 

I held my breath, waiting to feel the buzz from my phone. Still nothing. What I don't get is how I'm so mean to him. I need to just suck it up about having a bad reputation, and just follow my heart. who cares if people pick on me I'd they found out I'm in love with a geek, I would kill them anyway! Thinking about what I would say to him, my phone suddenly starts to buzz. Almost instantly, my eyes snap to look at the text I had just recieved.

From: Sär~BëR

Hey, I'm sorry we're taking a while, Ethan lost his wallet and I'm helping him look for it. You can go head down there if you want. you can try to find Benny if you want, he's most likely there already if he's not sick (prob not) and you can chill and have fun with him ;) anywho we haven't found ur yet.... We'll meet you there!

To: Er¡Ka XD

After reading the message, I sigh to myself obviously knowing that Ethan didn't loose his wallet and hy just want to have some time for themselves. With that thought flashing across my mind, I decided to go instead of waiting for them to finish up. I dashed to where the event was being held. I had arived there in a few seconds and was swarmed by a crowd getting in. Looking through the crowd, I spotted Rory with some of his other dorky friends, but there was no sight of Benny.

Maybe I should just hang out with the loser until I find Benny.....Once I began walking towards the little group, a random but yet hot brunnette guy walked up to me. "Whats a pretty girl like you standing all alone?" He flashed me a grin. "Im just looking for my friends. They're somewhere around here." Maybe I can get dinner early.....I just have to get this fool alone.

"Well if you want, you can hang out with me? Im sure your friends wouldnt mind." He puts on a sexy face and I fake smile at him, giggling like a little girly girl. "I would LOVE to hot guy." I poke him in the stomach. "My names Blake by the way. Now who are you hot girl?" Blake wraps his arm around my shoulder and brings me closer to him. "Sera." I lie my name while grinning at him. "Well, Sera, lets go have some fun, shall we?" "Oh we shall." I put on a devious look when he turns around.

'a couple minutes later'

I emerge from  behind a dumpster with fresh blood on my teeth. "Hm good meal." I laugh to myself before flashing back to the carnival, still remembering how Blake thought he was going to get it on with me, but turns out me biting and killing him. I spot Rory again and walk up to him. "Hey." My voice thick with boredom. Rory turns and looks at me randomly, putting on a surprised smile. "Hey sweetcheeks! Want to hang with me and the gang?" I shake my head. "One: dont call me that again or I will bite you. And two,  have you seen Benny?"

"Ya! He was just walking over in that direction towards the big tree in the back of the area. Why?" "Thanks Ror." I say his nickname I gave him years back when we use to be best friends before Sarah moved here to WhiteChapel. Walking in the direction he pointed to, the tree came into view, and what I saw behind it, not only shocked me, but hurt me bad.

I whip out my phone and turn it to take picture. A click of the button and the picture of my love Benny, and some other girl, making out was taken. Tears filled my eyes slightly and I flashed to the roof behind them. I hid myself from their view and sent the pic to Sarah, along with a text.

To: Sar-Bar

I caught him kissing a random girl :'( I doubt I will ever get the chance now....

From: EriKa

I totally Lost my chance now...

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