- Plan A -

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Soon after their shifts were over, Steve talked to Robin about how to handle his disastrous love life. If he could even call it that. "So what should I do..?" Steve said sighing. "Make your feelings obvious, but not too obvious." Robin said back. Steve thought about this for a moment, Maybe she's right damnit. "Yea, I'll do that- haha oh my fucking god I'm so scared" Steve said nervously. "Steve, I'm sure you'll do great.." Robin smiled softly and hugged Steve, before pulling away and wishing him luck.

Steve drove to his house thinking, thinking about what's he say and what he would do. He parked his car into the driveway and got out, walking in the house as he shut and locked the door. Eddie was on the couch watching tv, eating popcorn as he laughed softly at the show he was watching.

Steve walked over and sat down beside him, "Hey Eddie" he said smiling as he felt his heart flutter. "Steve heyy-" he said as he looked at him, smiling before looking back at the Tv. "I uhm wanted to ask you something?" Steve said, sighing as he stared at Eddie shamelessly. Eddie turned to look at him, their eyes met as he smiled. "What's up?" Steve stared at him, before hesitatingly grabbing his hand.

Eddie blinked, his heart pounding as he had no idea what to do. "I like you..and I don't want to be shy about it, maybe you don't feel the same but I just wanted you to know." Steve said softly, his eyes glistening. "Holy shit dude, I like you back, like was it not obvious?" Eddie said laughing. "I was totally flirting with you in those woods" Steve blushed lightly, as he intertwined their fingers. "I am a little oblivious, sorry babe-" his other hand flew up to his mouth as his face reddened.

"Shit sorry-" Steve stared saying before he was cut off. "Shhh, it's fine, I didn't think you were that bold though darling" Eddie said as he squishing Steve's face. "Darling? That's fairly new-" Steve was again cut off by Eddie kissing him aggressively. Steve kissed back as he gripped Eddie's hair softly. They stopped kissing when they heard a knock on the door.

Steve got up and opened the door, probably looking messed up. "Shit- Hey Dustin!" he said smiling. Dustin raised an eyebrow, looking at how messy Steve's hair looked, how red and slightly swollen his lips looked. "You look- wreaked bro-" A chuckle was heard from Eddie obviously, which caused Dustin's eyes to widen. "Don't tell me- you and Eddie?" Steve couldn't deny it, his face reddening as he just pulled away from the door letting Dustin in.

Eddie jumped up from the couch as he greeted Dustin, "Hey Dustin-" Dustin smiled, waving before raising an eyebrow. "So are you and Steve like a thing?" he said teasingly. "Well, yea" they both said, quickly. Dustin giggled, "Two dads? Oh hell yea-" he said happily. "That's one way to put it I guess-" Steve said smiling, relieved.

"So, what's up? Did you need anything!" Eddie said, ruffling Dustin's hair. "I came by to see if Steve wanted to hang out but uhm maybe he's already busyy-" he said teasingly. "Oh shut up Dustin-" Steve said pushing his arm lightly. "I'll see myself outtt- you two were clearly going at it" Dustin insisted.

"Hey- we weren't 'going at it !' Steve shouted at him as Dustin walked to the door. "No we were-" Eddie said, laughing as he grabbed Steve's waist. "Hey- Hey- You cannot say that, what if he tells the others-" Steve said, sighing.
"Oh well, not like they'll care" Eddie said, kissing his neck softly.

"Who knows, I just hope this doesn't backfire" Steve said sighing, as he blushed lightly. Eddie giggled as he turned Steve around and kissed his forehead. "It won't, I promise- Can I sleep in your bed tonight?" Eddie said holding his hand. "Well if you want to, warning there's some very 'interesting' posters and magazines" Steve admitted. "It's fine, you're mine anyway so what will I be worrying about?" Eddie said teasingly.

"Hush you, let's go to bed now" Steve said flustered. "Uh-huh, let's go" Eddie said, pulling Steve in his room as he shut the door behind them.

"The right girl?" (Steve x Eddie)Where stories live. Discover now