Hot dog *Smut*

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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader x Billy Hargrove

Requested by Anon

Tina's pool party was not what you expected. Although, in all honesty the only parties you'd been to were Eddie's, as he was the only person to invite you to anything. They mostly consisted of people sitting around getting high while listening to very loud music. Looking around, unsure if you actually knew anyone in the clumped groups of people, you spotted a familiar figure in the distance near the back of the garden which met the edge of the woods.

"Sorry!" You said as you bumped into someone in your hurry. Glancing over your shoulder you realised it was Billy Hargrove and hurried faster towards the safety of the Hellfire club. They were scattered in a clearing just off the party, sprawling across the soft grass, looking as if they'd simply spilled there.

"Hey!" Gareth said with a smile as you sat down next to him. Eddie was talking with someone you vaguely recognised, who handed him a few dollars and hurried off with something clutched in their hand.

"What're you guys doing here?" You asked as you lay down on the soft grass and looked over at Eddie who hopped to his feet.

"Raising money for gas to get to our gig this evening." Eddie answered quickly before dropping down next to you and leaning in closely. "What're you doing here sunshine?"

"I was invited." You answered quickly. Eddie made a noise as if he didn't believe you. "I was! Tina and Carol came over and gave me a flyer and said they were looking forward to seeing me."

"Did you ever watch that old movie Carrie?" Eddie asked. You shook your head and he nodded, leaning back on his elbows. "Didn't think so. They're just hoping you'll come so they can make fun of you."

"Of course you think that." You muttered. Eddie frowned down at you and you flashed him a sweet smile.

"Tina said she was asked to invite me. I just wanted to know who! She wouldn't say when I asked." You explained. Eddie hummed and seemed like he was about to say something when some more people nervously approached him.

For a while you laid out on the grass in the sun. The grass was soft and cool as it hadn't been cut in a while so it was long enough to cushion you. Eventually Gareth and the others headed off but Eddie stayed behind with you as you enjoyed lounging in the warm weather. There was a soft breeze rustling the skirt of your light green sundress. Your swimming costume was underneath, a much brighter pattern than the dress which peaked through when the sun hit you. As another group approached Eddie you sat up and tapped him on the shoulder.

"I'm going to get something to eat. Are you hungry?" You asked. Eddie shook his head and waved you off as he opened his black lunchbox and insisted that the people buying from him sat down with him. Heading up the garden and though the small collections of people huddled in their groups of friends you made your way up towards the house. There was a barbeque going, the smell coming from it made you realise how hungry you really were. Heading over you were surprised to see Steve.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" Steve said as the crowd around the barbeque parted and you got to the front of the line to get food. You watched Steve manning the barbeque, towel over his shoulder as he plated up food left and right, sending it out into the crowd.

"I didn't know you were here. Are there any hot dogs left?" You asked. Steve frowned and looked over at Robin who was hurrying over with some plates of food.

"Sorry. I'm pretty sure we're out. But I'm sure that Robin has a bottle of ketchup in her pocket if you want some for a burger." Steve offered as he grabbed at a plate with a bun on it and put a burger together for you. "We're out of fixings too. Tina's having a melt down in the kitchen about how much everyone is eating and Tommy Haegen had to run to the store. Maybe he'll come back with hotdogs if you're still hungry later? I heard the parties going on late."

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