Safety in numbers

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Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader

Requested by Anon

Halloween event

WARNINGS: Serial killer on the loose implied, mentions of serial killer's victim in the hospital

"Hurry up!" Max hissed to El who hesitated for a moment and glanced to the door. She could hear Billy laughing at the TV. It didn't feel right to sneak out. "He won't even notice. We'll be back way before he finishes the movie." Max insisted.

El followed her through the window and they carefully crawled their way around the house. They froze as the front door opened and a bright light was thrown across the lawn. "You know if Hopper finds out I let you sneak off he'll kick my ass.'' Billy said and motioned for them to get inside. Max frowned at him while El nodded and hurried in first. Max followed her.

"We have to figure out a way to distract him." Max whispered. El paused as she looked at the phone.

"You know. Joyce said that Billy always gets distracted by (Y/N)." El whispered back. Max pulled a face as if she didn't believe El.

"(Y/N)? You're sure?" She asked and El nodded.

"She said 'Jim. You can't blame Billy for getting distracted when (Y/N)'s around. You know what young love is like.' Then he said 'Joyce I don't want to hear about young love or any other kind when it comes to those kids.'" El mimicked their voices as she spoke which made Max giggle. Billy, who had sat back on the sofa frowned over at them.

"Come on!" Max hissed. They went into El's room and waited until Billy was watching the Tv and El floated the phone across as far as the wire would stretch. It was only just far enough to go around the corner into El's room.

"Hello? Is everything ok?" Joyce said as soon as she answered the phone.

"Yes. but Billy is sick and we were wondering if (Y/N) could come and babysit us." El said slowly as she read out what Max had scribbled down on a page of one of El's not books from her desk.

"Tell her we're spooked out by being out in the cabin on Halloween when Billy's sick." Max whispered.

"We're creeped out because it's Halloween and Billy is sick." El said quickly.

"Oh, honey. Yes, of course. Will's at the Wheelers and Jonathan's busy or I'd call him and have him come up. Something came up or I'd come and look after you all. Tell you what I'll call (Y/N) right away." Joyce said. El thanked her and she hung up, sending the phone back and high-fiving Max.

Half an hour later you let yourself into the Hopper cabin. "Billy?" You said in surprise. Billy looked over at you, he'd taken over Hopper's chair, something you knew he only did if Jim was out.

"(Y/N)?" Billy said in the same tone. You both stared at each other for a moment before you said.

"Why're you here? Joyce said you were ill and must have gone to bed." You said quickly. You held up a back of supplies and added. "She hunted me down at a party and sent me with soup."

"Huh. Well, that's great because I forgot to get the prisoner's dinner. One second." You watched Billy get up and go round the front of the house. He came back a few minutes later with Max, in her raincoat, over his shoulder and El holding his hand. They must have climbed out of El's bedroom window.

"Put me down!" Max demanded.

"You keep running off when you know Joyce and Hopper are out looking for something attacking kids. So if I have to pick you up and keep lugging you back in here every time, be it. Now. Go see what movies are on Tv and we'll sort you some food." Billy dumped Max on the sofa bed that was now where he slept at night and motioned to El that he was watching her. She joined Max on the sofa without complaint.

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