Her Cursed Destiny

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The next morning, Arjun wakes up,only to find himself on the bed in his own chamber. He was shocked at first and then he saw Draupadi sleeping on the ground.

Then he realized that she must have brought him back to the chamber from the military camp. He had a lot of headache because of yesterday's hangover. But he ignored it and got up and went near Draupadi.

He went near her and bent down. He then gently picked her up in his arms and took her towards bed and gently laid her down.

Suddenly he saw her cheek was red. He then slowly remembered the events from last night. He also remembered what all he had said to her last night.

Then he thought to himself how can I be so cruel to her. Every Time I need something,she always does everything for me but I only end up insulting and disrespecting her. What should I do? I can never forgive myself for what I did to her last night. She helped me and what did I do in return insult her and beat her. Oh Narayan give me the strength so that I can apologize to her and that she forgives me.

Thinking so, he goes to the snangarh and takes a bath and then he wears a pair of fresh white new clothes. Draupadi also wakes up by then and she too takes a bath and gets ready in a white saree.

Once she was done with everything, then she came out and stood drying her hair. Arjun saw her and went towards her and stood behind her.

Draupadi was in her own trance of thoughts and she was suddenly shocked when she saw Arjun standing behind her. She turned around and they both kept staring into each other's eyes.

When suddenly Arjun spoke up "I actually remembered what all I said and did last night when I was in a drunken state due to drinking madira. And I am really sorry for saying and doing all that. I never meant any of those things that I said or did. I hope that you forgive me and thank you for helping me and bringing me back to the chamber safely yesterday."

Draupadi smiled a bit and said "It's fine, I forgive you. And no need to thank me because I just did my duty as your wife by bringing you back safely."

Arjun smiled too. It was the first time they had talked to each other and smiled at each other without having any argument or without insulting each other.

Draupadi thought to herself I was right. He is not as bad as I had thought and somewhere deep in his heart,he has some feelings for me or else why would he apologize to me himself.

Arjun suddenly said breaking his trance "are you feeling alright now?" Draupadi nodded and said "yes my hands, wrists,leg and head injuries are healed now and also I don't feel any dizziness or weakness since the last few days."

Arjun nodded and then they all started walking towards the sabha where an important decision was going to be taken.Once they reached the sabha, they both took their respective seats and then the sabha started.

After some time when the sabha was over,then Pandu called Arjun and said "Arjun actually I have heard that the Matsya kingdom with whom we have good relations is under attack so I want you to leave tomorrow morning along with your brothers and the army for the campaign."

Arjun nodded and then everyone started walking towards the dinner room for breakfast. Once everything was done, Duryodhan had noticed that today Arjun hadn't insulted Draupadi and they both were talking about something and laughing at the same time.

Seeing this, he got very angry and whispered to Shakuni saying "mamashree,these days, Arjun and Draupadi seem to be coming close to each other, do something. I want her to be mine. Do something that causes them to hate each other."

Shakuni smirked and said "mere bache,take this." Saying so he hands a small bottle of a certain potion to Duryodhan. Duryodhan takes it and Dushasan asks "mamashree,what is this?"

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