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I've been sitting in this empty room with no windows for what feels like an eternity when in reality it's only been a few hours. I'm starting to get really hungry but, me being as stubborn as I am, I don't plan on talking anytime soon. As I'm sitting in the dark listening to my own thoughts I hear the click of a lock turning and then the door opens flooding the room with light.

I squint my eyes at the sudden change in brightness and take a minute to adjust so I can see who's there.

"Hey there, we haven't had a chance to meet yet but my name is Tara. I was just sent to check on you. See if you're ready to talk yet?" A small girl asks as she steps into the room. I just look at her, trying to read her while I contemplate on speaking. "If you at least just tell me your name I can get you a little something to ease your worry. That is if you even drink of course." She adds with a small smile.

I still stay silent for a minute and after sometime she gives up and starts to leave.

"Kensley." I say, in a soft, shaken voice.

"What was that hun?" She asks peaking her head back in with a big smile now.

"My name. It's Kensley." I repeat, louder this time.

"That's my girl! I knew you wouldn't be able to resist a good time!" She squeals. "Here, come with me and I'll get you something to eat." She adds holding her hand out to me.

I stand and take her hand allowing her to lead me down a long hall into the main room where I see everyone else lounging.

As we step in further Brennan notices us and jumps up in shock.

"Tara! What are you doing? She's supposed to stay locked up!" He says in a type of whisper shout.

"Yeah, until she speaks. Which she did. Her name is Kensley." Tara responds triumphantly, then pulls me into another room which happens to be the kitchen.

The room is decorated with black counters and cabinets and marble flooring with a skylight, island and lots of windows. Its truly gorgeous.
There we run into Sam and Colby. Both of them look at us, Sam looks surprised but Colby looks pissed.

"What the fuck are you doing Thompson?" He asks in a low growl.

"She spoke so I'm getting her food. Anymore questions?" She responds opening the fridge.

"What did she say?" Sam asks.

"My name." I respond, which causes everyone to look at me like I'm some sort of freak.

Colby smiles slightly after I speak.

"And that is?" He asks.

"Kensley. As you already know because you went through my stuff and found my I.D." I groan and roll my eyes.

"Perfect, other than the attitude." He responds with the slightest hint of joy in his voice.

"Here love, for now I found a snack you can eat. Dinner is soon so I'm sure this will hold you off until then." Tara says handing me a granola bar.

I take it then follow her lead out to the main room. She has me sit next to her on one of the sofas and I quietly listen to the others' conversations. After a couple minutes Colby comes into the room and grabs me by the wrist then drags me away somewhere. That somewhere ends up being the room I was put in before only this time the small bed in the corner has blankets and sheets.

"Get comfortable kid. You'll be spending most of your time in here until your parents get you back." Colby says and gently shoves me into the room.

Without another word the door is shut and locked and I'm again all alone in this tiny dark room. About an hour goes by before the door is open again and Colby steps into the room. Without a word he walks up to me and grabs my arm. He then pulls me out of the room and down the hall to what happens to be a large dining room.

I'm forced to sit at the long table next to Brennan and Colby sits on the other side of me. In front of me is a plate full of different foods including steak, roasted potatoes, some sort of yummy looking pasta and fresh sautéed green beans. There's also a side Cesar salad, a glass of water next to a glass of red wine, and a basket of bread closer to the center of the table.

"How'd you know I'd eat any of this?" I ask no one in particular as I survey the food in front of me.

"I didn't, but I figured if you wanted to eat you wouldn't be so picky in this situation considering if you don't eat any of that you don't eat at all." Colby responds before shoving a fork full of food into his mouth.

I don't respond to his snarky comment and instead decide to try some of the food I was given. As soon as everyone has finished eating Colby guides me back to the small bedroom where he says I'll stay for the duration of the night. After he leaves and locks me in yet again I walk over to the bed and lay down to try and get some sleep.

Gang Related// A Sam and Colby fanfic Where stories live. Discover now