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Its been almost a month since I was taken in by Colby's gang. Almost a month since I seen my family last. Almost a month since I've had alone time and peace. But finally my prayers have been answered and my parents made contact with Colby. I'll be seeing them tonight. I'll be going home tonight. I'll see my friends tonight. Finally I'll be free tonight.

In that month I stayed locked in that tiny dark room most of the time, occasionally being let out to eat and sometimes even socialize. I've since learned a thing or two about the members of Colby's gang and have come some what fond of their company in a weird Stockholm syndrome sort of way. Oddly enough, other than Colby, I don't mind being around them and hanging out when I'm allowed.

I'm currently readying myself for the meeting with my parents in Colby's room which has amazing lighting and a full length mirror. I was bought new clothes to wear while I've been here and given permission to borrow some of the girls' makeup.

"Kensley where the hell did you go?" A voice shouts from down the hall.

"I'm in your room, where I said I'd be like half and hour ago, Colby!" I shout back as I finish my last curl.

This morning I was told there will be a meeting with my parents for the money and for my freedom. I decided I would make it actually look like I was treated nicely, so I dressed up, put on makeup, and did my hair.

"Are you actually wearing a dress?" Colby scoffs, walking into the room.

"Uhm yes. I used to all the time when I was home." I say back as I flatten out some wrinkles in the mirror.

"You really shouldn't. It's not flattering on a girl like you." He responds, rolling his eyes.

I bite my tongue to refrain from saying something rude in return then walk out of the room to find the others. I find them all in the main room, looking a mixture of formal but threatening, all in the suits they wear for 'business situations'.

"I didn't think you could actually get prettier Ross. You sure you wanna leave us so soon?" Brennan asks, sounding as smooth and confident as always.

"Uhm sorry but yes I'm sure. You guys are really cool and all but..." I trail off trying to come up with something to say which makes everyone laugh.

"Don't sweat it gorgeous. We get it. Family is way more important than your kidnappers." Sam laughs.

"I feel like that's sarcasm but I can't quite tell." I respond a little confused, again more laughs.

"Hmm maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know." He says with a smirk before walking into the kitchen.

I follow him, feeling hungry and ask for food.

"Why are you asking?" He laughs.

"Because I always ask? I don't know where anything is." I question with an innocent smile.

He laughs and shakes his head but proceeds to pull out ingredients to make my food.

Usually they have servants who cook and clean for them but Sam enjoys cooking when he has the free time and apparently wanted to cook my last meal with them.

Just as I finish my food Colby walks in as if he's looking for something until his eyes land on me.

"Where the hell have you been?" He asks.

"Here." I squeak slightly frightened by his time of voice.

"With who? You know you can't be alone." He snaps back.

"She's with me Colby. Chill out." Sam says as he walks back into the room.

"Well let's go. We have a meeting to attend." Colby growls then leaves the room.

Sam gestures for me to follow as he too leaves the room. We enter the main room to find everyone waiting for us then Colby ushers us all out to the cars.

I'm sat between Sam and Colby in the backseat of one car with Tara driving and Katrina in the passenger seat. We drive about a half hour into the city to a tall building. Once there Colby shoves me out of the car and into Brennan's arms. Brennan then leads me inside the building where a secretary and security guard greet us.

"Shall we?" Brennan asks as he guides me down a hall to a small meeting room.

Colby and Sam and the others follow behind us and they all sit at a long office table, while Brennan forces me to sit on his lap, away from everyone at the back of the room.

Shortly after we all sit my parents walk into the room looking just as professional as everyone else. They sit across from Sam and Colby and Katrina and Mike exit the room.

I can't hear the conversation but based off of my parents' facial expressions it doesn't seem to be going good for them.

"Fine! 1.5 million. Just give me my daughter." My mom says standing, the only thing loud enough for me to hear.

"Okay. Brennan." Colby says waving us over.

He walks us over with a hand tight on my arm and stops right behind Colby. I look over to see a smirk on his face, typical Brennan.

"Transfer it and she's yours." Colby adds, sliding a phone to my parents.

Just as they are about to hit 'transfer' my worst nightmare becomes reality. Brennan nearly freezes completely in fear before shouting 'get down' and yanking me to the floor.

"What the hell...?" I start to speak but I'm cut off but lots of noise.

Then BANG BANG. Two loud gun shots fill the room. My ears start ringing and I hit my head off of something as I was pulled down. Everything is muffled and my vision is blurry.

The only thing I fully remember is Katrina and Mike running into the room with guns drawn, and Brennan lifting me up from the ground before the world around me goes blank.

Gang Related// A Sam and Colby fanfic Where stories live. Discover now