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Once inside the mansion a man can be heard yelling as he makes his way down the hall.

"Daniel! Where the hell have you idiots been?" He shouts as he approaches us.

"Chill boss. Before you rip my head off, I brought you something." One of the men with me chimes then shoves me forward.

I fall to my knees in front of the man who was yelling. He bends down to look at my face and smiles before standing back up.

"Well well, such a pretty face she has. How on earth did you get your hands on Kensley Ross?" The man asks.

"Easy. Brock let her out of the house finally and we just happened to be at the same mall as her so we waited for her to get separated from Colby's oh so special hit man and boom, she's all ours now." The man who actually kidnapped me says with a grin.

Their boss smiles and waves them away before pulling me up by the hair so I'm standing again. He then drags me off down a long hallway to a door at the end. Behind this door was a single chair in the middle of a small room and a dim lamp in the corner. No windows and no other objects.

"Sit and allow me to make you a bit more comfortable." The man says and forces me to sit before beginning to untie the ropes from my arms.

Once I'm loose he takes each hand and cuffs them to the arms of the chair with two sets of hand cuffs, making sure they're nice and tight.

"Ow, that hurts." I wince as he tightens them.

"Only temporary my sweet. I'll be back in a few hours." He says and turns to leave.

I begin to plead for him not to leave me alone but the door is already shut and I'm alone before I finish.

What feels like ages of thinking to myself how I'm going to get out of this situation later the door opens and light floods in. The tall silhouette of a man stands in the doorway blocking most of the light from entering the room.

Once my eyes adjust the silhouette becomes more familiar, the man who locked me in here has returned.

"Hello dear, please come with me." He says as he walks up and removes the handcuffs.

I immediately rub my wrists once they're free and wince in pain. I then stand and follow the man out of the small room. As we leave the room he reaches out and grabs my wrist then proceeds to drag me down the hallway.

For a while I stay silent but decide to try and get answers. As we reach a staircase at the other end of the hallway I can't help but ask questions.

"What do you want from me? Money? Because I have plenty." I ask with a bit of a snarky tone.

"No sweetheart, I don't want your money." He responds with a cocky scoff.

"Then what?" I snap.

"It's always you bratty rich kids that assume men always want something from them." He laughs. "However when it comes to you, my sweet, I don't want anything but you." He adds as we reach the top of the stairs.

From there he guides me down another hallway with a hand on my lower back.

"Okay, but why me? What's so special about me?" I ask after a moment.

He doesn't answer at first but instead opens a set of double doors which leads into a huge bedroom.

"I have been infatuated with you from the moment I first saw your picture on the news. You ended up going viral for coming up missing and ever since then I've been keeping tabs on you." He pauses and looks me over with a smirk. "It wasn't hard to figure out where you disappeared to and it was even easier to find out when and where you were supposed to meet with your parents. However, that fucking Colby Brock fucked with my plans after I took care of your pathetic parents when he kept you instead of discarding you like I had anticipated."

The second the words come out of his mouth I feel the red hot rage build up inside me. The man standing in front of me confessing his twisted love to me is the same man who ripped my family from my grasp just as my life was about to go back to normal. I ball my fists up at my sides and stare at him with pure hatred.

"What do you mean you took care of my parents?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"Huh? Ooh never mind that, I didn't bring you here to confess my sins. Now sit and don't speak unless requested." He responds and gestures to the king size bed in the middle of the room.

"I'm not sitting anywhere, thank you." I respond and stand my ground.

"What did I just say? Do not talk back, do not disrespect me in my home and do not speak unless requested." He growls.

I roll my eyes but obey, not wanting him to get physical or anything. I sit at the edge of the bed and watch as he crosses the room and sits on the other side of the bed, facing away from me. I look over my shoulder to watch as he removes his watch and shoes. He then sets what looks like a small knife on the bedside table next to him.

Once he's finished he calls me over to him, I once more reluctantly follow his requests and walk around the bed to stand near him.

"I said come here. That means here." He snaps and points to the floor directly in front of him.

I roll my eyes but listen and take a few steps closer to him to where I'm almost directly between his knees. He then reaches out and grabs my lower hips and pulls me closer to him. It takes everything within myself to not fight him and pull away but I manage as I just remind myself that he doesn't seem like the kind of guy I want to piss off.

"Why don't you help me with the pesky buttons, sexy?" He asks, referring to the ones keeping his shirt closed.

I force a small smile before doing as he asks, making sure to go as slow as humanly possible to prolong the task. While in the middle of undoing the third button a knock on the door draws his attention away from me. He gestures for me to stop and to stay put as he stands to walk over to the door.

He's soon out of sight and I begin to hear hushed voices so I take this as an opportunity to save my own ass. I quickly but silently grab the small switch blade from the table and tuck it into my bra just before he returns. He doesn't even notice me adjusting myself to conceal the knife as he tosses a small black bag onto a desk on the other side of the room.

He soon returns to his spot in front of me on the bed and requests that I continue where I left off. I do just that, trying to act as though I'm starting to come around to his ideas and play into his games.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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