Chap 4 °part 1°

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This story contains mention of drugs/marijuana , violence , smut and bad language.

-Eddie's pov-

*he walked up to the door, covering his naked body, he'd open the door to see jason standing right in front of him*

Eddie- "uh what the fuck are you doing here jerk?!"
*he shout out at Jason*

Jason- "i saw Chrissy leave with you after school"

Eddie- "bro i never talked to Chrissy, why would you make this up?"

Jason- "just admit it freak"

Eddie- "what do you want me to admit?? I do not know where your girl is! Don't come here ever again"

-your pov-

-i was cleaning the sheets, i took them off the bed to put it in the washing machine, as i walked in the corridor i overheard the conversation, i let the door open to listen to them, at first i didnt recognized the voice, and then i clicked, jason. What was he doing here?!, i kept listening in silence-

-Eddie's pov-

Eddie- "Just leave man"

Jason- "i just saw someone walk in the corridor, who were they?"

Eddie- " my uncle."
*he said trying to protect you from him*

Jason- "why was your uncle, naked..."

Eddie- "Oh fuck"
*he'd whisper to himself*

Jason- "why don't you let me see if Chrissy's here, just to make sure you are not lying,

Eddie-" uh no? I won't let you in"

Jason- "i knew you were hiding something"

-your pov-

*you were stressing as jason bursted in Eddie's house, you shove the sheets in the washing machine and start it, you locked the door and sat on the toilet , you needed to find an idea fast*

Y/n- "i should take a deep voice, that sounds like Eddie's uncle..."

*as Jason runs to Eddie's room, he stops in front of the washroom*

Jason- "open it Eddie"

Eddie- "my uncle is in there! I won't open it"

Eddie- "Get out Jason"

Jason- "Imagine you got yourself that other freak, what's their name again... Oh yes y/n.. Stupid name"

Eddie- " their name isn't stupid!!"

Jason- "so you talked to them, what a nerd"

Eddie- "leave them alone, get out of here"

-at this point i was praying god for him to not open the door-

Eddie- "Jason get out of here now!!"

*Jason laughed at Eddie*

Eddie- "last warning jerk"

*jason didn't listen and tried to look for evidence in the house, Eddie put his hand on Jason's shoulder to turn him around, he punched him in the face as hard as he could. Jason's nose was bleeding a lot, he hit Eddie back*

-oh lord this is not good-

*both were fighting while you where elaborating a plan to escape*

! Hope you liked this lil fight, i was really tired so sorry if there was mistakes 😭!

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