Chap 6 °part 2°

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This story contains mention of drugs/marijuana , violence , smut and bad language.

/it was night, both were pretty tired, you were driving around hawkins for two hours now, you tired to find a place to hide, that's when Eddie remembered a place. He told you about Rick's house. You accepted and drove in direction of his house/

-i didn't knew what to do at this point, Chrissy was dead in Eddie's house! Jason will kill us! Oh god-

*you stopped at a phone box to call Mike and Dustin. Eddie stared at you, he bit his bottom lip as you looked at him, phone in the hand. You were stressed, your hands were wet and your troat was dry, you swollowed before saying where you were*


*you drove to Jack's house to hide*

Y/n- "is there a way for you to hide your car Eddie?"
*you asked him while looking out of the window*

Eddie- "probably... I could leave it in the forest. And also, keep the lights off.. We don't wanna get noticed"

*you nodded and got out of the car to enter the house*


*when Eddie came back, you ran towards him to give him a hug*

Eddie- " nobody can find us here..."
*he said before kissing you*

Y/n- "what does Rick have in his house? Does he have food, or marijuana, or i don't know, alcohol?"
*you asked while looking in the kitchen *

Eddie- "he probably have drugs hidden that the police didn't find out"

Y/n- "yeah maybe, let's seek"

*both started to look for food and something to at least drink or smoke *


*Eddie found a joint, he had a lighter on him, so he lit it up and gave it to you. After taking a few puffs, you gave it back to Eddie*

*you remembered that you had money in your back pocket*

Y/n- "I brought money by the way, so we can buy food"


-smoking with Eddie was the best feeling ever, he's so hot, and gentle-

*you walked into the bedroom, the bed looked clean, you sat Eddie on it You took the joint in your hand. You started taking puffs, before giving it back to him*

*he looked at you, with a warmth smile*

Eddie- "Should we?"
*he slides his hand with his cold rings under your shirt, he stopped near your breast*

*he'd look up to you*

Y/n- "i told Mike and Dustin where we are.. They should be there at any minutes now... We shouldn't do it right now babe"
*you told him before sitting on his lap, face to face, you glanced at each others lips*

*he took a puff of the joint and blown it into your mouth*

*your lips were almost touching when you heard knocking*

Y/n- "shoot it must be Henderson and Wheeler"

*you jumped back and ran up to the door, you hit your knee on a chair*

*you started laughing, Eddie joined you and laughed*

*you opened the door to see Steve, Nancy, Robin, Max, Lucas, Dustin and Mike standing in front of you*

*they all waved*

Y/n- "well hello there"

Nancy- "you look high y/n..."

Y/n- "yeah we found a joint, and we took it.. Sorry in advance"
*you started laughing *

*everyone walked in and sat at the kitchen table*

Y/n- "so.. We are in pure trouble, um, if someone could go get us food... And alcohol"

Eddie- "don't forget the joints, we'll need it"

Nancy- "why don't you guys go buy it yourself?"

*Eddie and you started laughing after having an eye contact*

Mike- "they should go buy it themselves"

Dustin- "well you don't buy those kind of things everywhere Mike"

-we were too high to understand what they were saying, we just started dancing and laughing -

*they took a flashlight and put it on the table, closing all curtains. They could see Eddie and You dancing and hugging while laughing*

! Ill stop this part here and make another part, hope you like this one, i had a lot of fun writing it ^^ !

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