Chap 7 °part 1°

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This story contains mention of drugs/marijuana , violence , smut and bad language.

/it was the morning, The sun came through the curtains. Eddie was still sleeping, so were you/


*you woke up before him and the first thing you did was to look at Eddie, the sun was on his face*

-he look so hot like that, his hair are shining with the reflection of the sun. So beautiful-

*you played with his hair so he could slowly wake up*


*he opened his eyes, looked at you and closed them rapidly. He had a ray of sun in his eyes*

Eddie- "Uh the sun just blinded me"
*he said covering the side of his face to look at you*

Y/n- "Good morning sunshine"
*you giggled and got up*

Eddie- "Good morning sweetheart. What time is it?"
*he said while smiling at your naked legs*

Y/n- "i don't really know.. Probably around 8 am"
*you looked outside of the window*

*he'd giggle and got up*

Eddie- "get dressed princess, you don't have pants on"

*you realized your pants weren't on the floor or the bed*

Y/n- "uh Eddie? Have you seen my pants? They are not in the room"

*you heard him laughed in the kitchen*

Y/n- "give them back"
*you said while laughing*

Eddie- "come get it baby"
*he sat on the couch*

*you got out of the room and put your hair in a high ponytail. You stopped in the kitchen to get water and walked towards Eddie*

Eddie- "Drink before taking your pants back, i dont want you to shoke"
*he laughed*

*you smiled while finishing your drink. You put the glass on the table and sat on Eddie's lap*

Y/n- "give them back or I'll fuck you young man"
*you said while staring at him*

Eddie- "bet"
*he smirked and put his hands on your hips*

*you touched Eddie's chest before kissing him*

*he looked at you with a smile on his face*

Eddie- "Aren't the others suposed to come back this morning?"
*he asked worried to get caught*

Y/n- "i think so... Arg frick i really wanted to fuck you this morning... Guess we can just kiss for now and wait until tonight? I prefer fucking at night anyway"
*you said while looking outside*

Eddie- "it's funnier at night"

*both laughed before kissing*

*you'd push him on the couch, he was laying on it as you put your head on his chest*

Eddie- "no more kisses?"
*He asked while playing with your messy ponytail*

Y/n- "i never said we couldn't stop kissing"

*you'd crawl up going for a kiss*

*that's when you heard a car stop in front of the house but you were too occupied to look up*

*You took Eddie's shirt off and touched his chest while kissing his neck. You let behind you a bunch of hickeys. He let out a small moan as you maked your way back to his mouth*

*that's when Dustin started knocking like a fool on the front door*

*both jumped and you stood up, still sitting on his lap*

Y/n- " i should go open the door"

Eddie- "wait darling, come back here"

*he pulled you back and maked a bunch of hickeys just like his. He then maked his way back to your mouth, he was now squeezing your thighs. You moan in his mouth as he squeezed harder*

*Henderson knocked again*

*you jumped again and giggled*

Eddie- "we are both marked now"

*both laughed and you got up to go answer the door*

Eddie- "your pants"
*he screamed before you touched the door handle*

Y/n- "oh yeah you're right, give them back now, you got what you want"
*you walked back to him, touched his face before taking back your pants*

*you out them on and walked back to door*

*they all entered the house*

Max- "sup guys"

*you and Eddie waved at them*

*he'd got up of the couch smiling*

*you'd stare at his naked chest*

-his tattoos looked amazing, he looked amazing as well, those hickeys weren't even discreet at all-

Steve- "so.."
*he said awkwardly as he Eddie's hickeys, he looked at you and noticed them all over your neck*

Mike-"We actually got time to buy you food, water and some beers.. I thought you'd want some Coca-Cola so i brang some"

*you'd take the food and the water and put it on the counter. You made a sign at Steve to come put the alcohol and the soda on the counter*

Eddie- "thank you guys, it's realy appreciated"

Robin- "so.. How do you guys will managed to tell the police?"

Y/n- "we.. Dont really know..we got a bit in trouble for knocking out Jason.. But um yeah we'll just say we weren't home at that time"

Max- "i saw both of you run out of the house and drove off super is that gonna work with the police?"

Eddie- "sorry for that.. We were freaked out. And um i dont know, maybe they are dump enough to believe that? "

*they all laughed*

Dustin- "what was Chrissy even doing in your trailer?"
*he asked while putting his coat on the chair*

Eddie- "well uh.. Long story short.. She wanted drugs."

Mike- "drugs? What for"

Y/n- "we didn't asked what was the drug for.. But um yeah"

*you looked down*

Eddie- "where is Nancy and Lucas? "

*they all looked at each other*

Robin- "Luca is with Jason.."

Steve- "And Nancy is at your house..."
*he looked down and put his hands in his pockets. He balanced himself on his feet*

Y/n- "they already found the body?!?!"

Mike- "his uncle did"
*he pointed at Eddie*

*you all stayed silent*

! Hope yall liked that long part, i had fun making it. Um if yall have any suggestions on where you would like y/n and Eddie to fuck, or make out.. Just tell me !

For personal reasons, im not gonna continue this story, sorry babes <33

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