Chap 4 °part 2°

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This story contains mention of drugs/marijuana , violence , smut and bad language.

-still at Eddie's house-

*you were looking for something in the bathroom to hit Jason. That's when you saw the shower head, you rushed towards it*

-in the other side of the house-

Eddie- "Get out you freak!"
*he shouted before taking a short on the counter, he put it on and ran towards Jason and hit him hard in the face. His nose was bleeding a lot* (he had a towel on btw)

Jason- "Me freak?! You're the freak, you're the one hiding my girlfriend. Just tell me where she is and im out Munson"

*Eddie looked at Jason, he was ready to strike again*

*he jumped on Jason, pinning him to the floor. He was now in a better position to beat him*

-in the washroom-

Y/n- "that should do, just need to hit him on the head, and he's out"

*you looked at yourself in the mirror, you put your hair into a ponytail with a hair tie you found on the bathroom counter*

-with the boys-

Eddie- "last warning before i beat you up Jason"

Jason- "in your dreams Munson"
*he said before gripping Eddie's hair and pulled it. Eddie screamed as Jason got on top of him, he started hitting Eddie's face*

*you rushed out of the bathroom as your heard Eddie scream*

*he yelled while hitting Eddie. You ran behind him, you stretch your arms and you hit Jason's head with all your force*


*jason was now on the floor, there was blood everywhere*

Y/n- "Di-did i just killed him?"
*you asked shaking*

Eddie- "Oh fuck darling come here"
*he hugged you hiding your face from the scene. You were crying on his shoulder*

*he put his bloody hands on your face*

Eddie- "Even if you killed him or not, i will always make sure the police never find out. Y/n, i love you and i will do anything to save you from the law"
*he said while walking you to the bathroom*

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