Chap 6 °part 3°

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This story contains mention of drugs/marijuana , violence , smut and bad language.

-at Rick's house-

Steve- "so.. What do yall need? Food? Water?

Eddie-" uh-uh"

*you'd look at Eddie as he was almost sleeping on the chair*

*you felt your eyes closing too, you yawned and started talking to the others*

Y/n- "what about you guys just come back tomorrow morning? We are super tired.. As you see"
*you pointed at Eddie and giggled before taping on his shoulder*

Eddie- "Uh what did i missed?"

Mike- "We are leaving, we'll come back tomorrow"

*They all agreed and said good night as they walked out of the house*

Y/n- "let's go to bed Eddie, you are sleeping with your eyes open"

*he'd stood up while laughing"

Eddie- "im not tired, i just wanted them to leave so we could have a little night together. If you know what i mean"
*he winked at you*

*you looked down*

Y/n- "maybe tomorrow? Im tired..."

*you stopped talking.. You looked back up to noticed him walking up to you. He took your right hand in his, sliding his other hand behind your back, still staring at you*

Eddie- "We can dance instead"

*you'd giggled and kiss him on the lips. As your lips touched, you put your free hand on his shoulder, without noticing, both where now waltzing*

-it's been a hard day, dancing with him is the way to go... Let's forget what happened earlier and focus on his breathing-


*Both of you walked into the room, it was freezing so you didn't want to take off your hoodie, but you took of your pants and threw them on the floor, you didn't bothered since there was covers on the bed. Eddie did the same, but he took off his shirt.*

*he then threw you on the bed, rolling you over followed by the bed's covers. He'd giggle at you*

Eddie- "cute burrito"

*both laughed, still high. You got out of the burrito and placed the covers back on the bed*

*you then layed down in bed, followed by Eddie. You wanted to snuggle with him. Noticing your hands were freezing, he pulled you near him and wrapped his arm around you*

Eddie- "good night sweetheart"
*he tells you before kissing your forehead*

Y/n- "good night Eddie, i love you"

Eddie- "i love you too y/n"

*he layed down on his back, letting you get comfortable under his arm. You put your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. You then threw your leg on his to get a comfortable position to sleep. He put his warm hand on your thigh squeezing a bit as he fell asleep. You played with his soft hair to help you fall asleep aswell*

-even him have softer hair then me, but god i love playing with his hair-

! Thanks for reading! The next part will be written tomorrow in my free times. !

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