Chapter 2 - Is It Love?

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Lyra POV:

I didn't even feel it when the glass slipped from my hand, breaking into a million pieces just like my state of mind. The glass shattering brought an unpleasant memory to the surface. My father's words ringing in my head. I was back there again, back in that old shack that he called a house. I felt myself cower in fear as a shadow moved closer to me and a bottle shattered above me narrowly missing my head. The glass cut into the side of my cheek and the alcohol burned. It burned my eyes, my cut, my nose and worst of all it burned the words that were being said into my mind.

'Nobody will ever love something as disgusting as you,' my father screamed from across the room.

'Disgusting filth, it would be so much better if you didn't exist," a venomous voice whispered in my ear. It didn't take me long to realise that it didn't belong to my biological father, it belonged to me.

'Everything you touch dies, you should die, no one loves you, no one cares," the voice got louder and louder. I begged and screamed for him to stop, for the voice to shut up.

'Probably doesn't even hurt that much you attention seeker', my father's voice yelled out at me. The haunting voice in my head only got louder as my fathers boot connected with my ribcage over and over again.

'Die, die, die, die, DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE', I sobbed feeling the pain in my chest increase. It was somebody's embrace that brought me back to reality.

I opened my eyes once more, expecting my father to be standing in front of me. Instead there was the blonde angel, I recognised him instantly after Carlisle's description. He was Caius Volturi, one of the most feared vampires in the land. I knew all of them from the portrait in Carlisle's study.

I looked around the room and took in the ghostly pale faces of the Volturi kings and the amount of fear that was ingrained into each one. Upon realising I was now back from whatever episode I was in, all of their faces softened, their behaviour was making my heart melt. They were beautiful, and even more importantly, there was a chance they were mine.

"Tesoro," Marcus' voice was soft, "everything is going to be alright". My anxiety immediately dissipated and I leaned into Caius, his hand rubbing circles on my back.

"You all, are my mates?" My voice was barely audible. Aro nodded coming closer, Marcus zoomed to the other side of my bed, sitting close to me. Caius remained where he was, me continuing to lean into him. Carlisle decided to step in, "Lyra, would you like some space?" His voice was kind but the thought of the three vampires around me leaving made me double over in pain. Carlisle immediately understood his mistake and it took me latching onto Aro's forearm that prevented him from murdering my soul-father. 

I'll leave you three be," Carlisle whispered in an affectionate tone and left the room.

I felt happier than I had ever felt before, but at the same time I felt hopeless. I didn't deserve these 3 and I wondered how long it would take before I disappointed them.

"Never," Aro patted my hand, willingly letting go. I sobbed, harder than I had ever sobbed before clutching onto Caius for dear life. I had true mates. I actually had found someone who would love me without any condition, I looked over at Marcus and he had venom tears in his eyes.

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