Chapter 12 - Put The Pieces Together Again

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Double updates - I'll probably be updating a lot more often because school holdiays <3

I felt it was a requirement to undo the damage I did in the last few chapters, this one's kinda fluffy but still major theme is angst. We love Marcus <33. I wrote this entire thing listening to the 4th of July, hightly depressing but it's a great song, I've linked it above. Anyways enjoy...

We both stood overlooking the city lights. The sun had practically set but the full moon provided enough light for the both of us. Marcus didn't say anything, just kept looking forward.

I was fidgeting with my hands to calm my racing nerves, when suddenly he spoke.

"They say a single blackbird is enough to ruin the sky," I glanced at him fearfully to see his wistful expression. Was I a blackbird in the Volturi's sky? "But what people don't understand is that the blackbird is a part of the sky, everyone has problems in their lives but the blackbird doesn't define the sky," I nodded in understanding as he finally turned to me. I felt small under his gaze and couldn't bear to look him in the eye.

Marcus stepped closer to me and leaned forward so he could see my eyes. He gently put his hands on my cheeks to force me to look at him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say that would make all this pain you've been carrying disappear. I'm sorry that someone you loved made you believe it's hard to love you." His eyes became glossy as he spoke.

My own eyes were pooling with tears and I gripped onto his hand for dear life. "Y-you're not mad?" The tears were let free when he shook his head. "Absolutely not," he said with desperation.

Marcus took a deep breath in. "What happened to you, Lycoris, was real," he paused as he pulled me into an embrace. "It wasn't your fault. You're not weak, your feelings are valid, the fact that you're standing in front of me proves how strong you are." He had said he didn't know what to but he was saying everything I had been desperate to hear for a long time. He hugged me tighter as he went on, "you're entitled to heal in whatever way you need and in your own time. But I need you to know you are not alone, you don't have to do this by yourself... even if it feels that way." I could tell he was holding back his own sobs, he wanted to be strong for me. Finally he pulled back and intensely stared into my eyes.

"You are necessary in this world. I see you," there were tears in his eyes and his eyebrows were knitted together in distress. I had never felt so loved in my life before, he made me feel okay. I crumpled into a heap on the floor as I began violently sobbing for the first time that day. I didn't need to hold back the tears any longer. He crouched down and held me in his arms. "I love you - I love you so much - thank you - Marcus," I managed out from in between my sobs.

He didn't say anything and simply held me, but it was more than enough.


We sat there for a while just watching as a million fireflies lit the city in front of us. There were families out for dinner, children running down the street, people were laughing and there was him. His face shone brightly in the moonlight. I had never noticed before just how beautiful he was, how his jaw was finely chiselled as if sculpted by Michelangelo and how his curly hair was neatly tied back. His eyes in their own glory were nothing but fervent. Still they looked like they lacked something, there was a missing light. I realised in that moment, Marcus understood me because he'd been through similar pain. I wondered if he had someone. They were doing everything they could for me, I promised myself that I'd become the light in their life.

I'd love them and cherish them and make sure they knew how worthy of affection they were. Marcus noticed that instead of watching the beautiful scene in front of us I was staring at him. He looked hesitant. I didn't know what he was thinking but still nodded. He moved his face closer to mine and nuzzled into my neck. It tickled, making me laugh.

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