Chapter 9 - Oh My God They're Toddlers

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Caius' room was not too far away from Aro's. As Jane led the way, my emotions were thrown into disarray, the story was amusing but I felt guilty for laughing. Getting any limb ripped off was extremely painful, even if you were one of the toughest vampires in the world. Jane stopped 10 steps away from a door at the end of the corridor. "Is that it?" Jane nodded nervously. I walked up to the door and grabbed the handle. I hesitated and instead opted to knock.

As soon as I knocked 3 times, the door flew open, causing me to flinch. Caius stood there with a murderous look on his face. His red eyes were even deeper than usual and his hair was a mess. I looked back expecting Jane, but she had made a quick escape. His eyes softened when he noticed it was me, "mia cara, now is not a good time," he grimaced. Caius' arm was still missing as he turned to shut the door. "Please, let me in," my voice shook slightly. As a mate I didn't know what my responsibilities were, but as a half-decent human being I wasn't going to leave him by himself... no matter how terrified I was. Caius shook his head, "Lyra leave". He was fuming. "Please let me help you, Caius," I pleaded softly. He looked conflicted but eventually backed away from the door.

As I stepped into his room I was met with several different shades of deep green. The room was extremely organised but there were several holes and cracks in the wall. Frowning, I walked over to his study table where his arm was now placed. Caius looked away from me, and sat down on the bed. "I know how hard it can be to re-attach arms correctly," I tried my best to sound casual. Instead of responding Caius grunted. I carefully grabbed his arm and placed a soothing hand on his shoulder. Caius froze at the contact.

"This is going to hurt a bit, okay," I still spoke kindly - relieved that he was accepting my help. He shut his eyes tightly and clenched his teeth. As the cracks began closing Caius hissed. I affectionately stroked his cheek. His eyes snapped open and I felt him relax against my touch. We sat there for nearly 5 minutes, as his arm reattached. When the internal section had completely joined, the external cracks began closing up. According to Carlilse, the ending part was always the most painful. Caius grunted and shut his eyes once more, "you should leave now," his voice was strained. I sat where I was stroking his shoulder. Barely audible whimpers left his mouth as I moved closer to him, not sure what to say.

Caius had clenched his hand into a fist. I let out a shaky sigh when the arm finally re-attached. "Are you okay," I asked quietly. Caius directed his glare at the ground, "of course I'm alright," I knew he didn't mean to snap at me. From his position as a vampire and a king it was hard to show anyone vulnerability.

"I didn't need your help Lyra," he still wasn't looking at me but his voice sounded less vexed. "I wanted to help," Caius continued his inspection of the floor. "Caius, I'm your true-mate I'm supposed to be there for you and I don't think needing help means you're weak," my mind wasn't keeping up with my tongue. Caius looked up now surprised at my small speech. "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

Caius seemed to stiffen once more, "when I see Marcus next-" I placed a hand on forearm stopping him from continuing. "You will do nothing," I said firmly. He looked like he was going to argue. "What happened to the wall?" I asked, changing the topic. "A beast was set loose."

Caius appeared visibly calm but I could feel the anger coming off the mate bond in waves. Walking over to his dresser, I grabbed what seemed to be an extremely old fashioned hairbrush. I took off my shoes and climbed onto the bed behind him, "what are yo-"I shushed him. He huffed in annoyance. This was the first time I had seen Caius with his hair messy and I was definitely going to take advantage of that. Whenever I was angry all it took was for someone to massage my head and immediately all worries would disappear from my mind.

I carefully indulged my finger into his hair, feeling him tense underneath my fingers. Soon enough as my fingers worked their way to the top of his head, I felt him relax. It may have been because of the mate bond, but I could tell Caius had calmed down significantly. I continued gently massaging his head for a while. Caius froze when I reached his neck. Curiously I continued rubbing the area feeling him hissing slightly. All of sudden Caius grabbed my hands and flipped me so that I was now sitting on his lap. Heat rose to my face, as I noticed the position we were in. Looking up I noticed Caius' eyes had turned from red to a black, similar to how Aro's had last night. "What are you doing mia cara," his voice was breathy. "Doing yo-your hair" my voice had gotten caught in my throat as Caius leaned closer. "Is that so?" I nodded innocently.

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