Chapter 6 - Being Afraid Is Being Smart

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Lyra POV:

I went to bed that night hoping that I didn't wake up, that the sun didn't rise. It was around 4am when I woke up with a throbbing headache. 'Was I not good enough? Why didn't Edward care? Did the others care? Why was I such a disappointment? Maybe I was a monster.' The thoughts made my headache worse until I had to bite my lip so I wouldn't cry. Someone entered the room, I didn't bother checking who it was.

"Lyra I know you're awake," Carlisle's voice rang out. I didn't want to talk, I didn't want to get up.

"Bunny I need you to get up and listen to me," sometimes it felt like Carlisle could read my mind. My headache worsened as I sat up.

"Bunny... I want you to move to Volterra with the kings," silence. It was there, the abandonment I was fearing my entire life. My face must've looked as defeated as I was feeling because Carlisle's eyes softened and he got up to sat on the edge of the bed.

"We're not abandoning you Lyra, we all love you. I just want you to be safe."

"I'm safe with you," my voice was more confident than I felt. "Bunny I wish that was true, but you and I both know it's not." Carlisle looked up at me. "I know nothing makes sense right now and you just want everything to stop, but bunny you're one of the bravest people I have ever known. You saved 2 lives yesterday... without even lifting a finger, I know you can do this" I wanted to believe I really did but I couldn't. Carlisle continued, "do you know when I found you, Esme and I were happier than we had ever been in so many years. I was happy when we found the others, but you were special. You were kind, you smiled despite everything, you were everything anybody would want in a daughter. and you always will be". 

"Thank you," it was genuine.

"Lyra it doesn't matter where you are in the world you will still always be a part of this family and as long as I live I will not stand by anyone who wishes to harm you." His tone was firm and I felt soothed by his words.

"I'll go to Volterra, but you and Esme have to promise to visit at least once every month," my voice came out as a squeak and Carlisle laughed. I frowned, "promise?" Carlisle didn't say anything but nodded. "I'll pack your clothes," Carlisle said getting up.

"Why thank you kind sir for hurrying up my departure," I said with rich sarcasm. "There she is, I was starting to wonder if you were just a doppelganger," Carlisle chided.

I got out of bed to open a window. My mates were standing outside the house talking to Rosalie and Emmett. Well Aro was talking, Marcus was staring at the trees and Caius was smoothing out his coat and sending the odd glare here and there. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.


I didn't completely realise I was leaving until Carlisle had packed all my things. Walking through the house it felt like I had never even been there in the first place. I felt miserable at the notion of leaving my home, but excited and a little nervous at finding a new one. All these emotions were really taking a toll on me. Even after 10 hours of sleep I still felt tired. My mates and my family were waiting downstairs with me as I grabbed the final objects from my room. I grabbed my toothbrush, my jewellery box and all my soft toys.

I stopped when I saw the dinosaur plushie that Edward had gifted me on my 13th birthday. I didn't bother taking it with me instead leaving it on the bed, my backpack was full anyway. 'Hey at least this way a piece of me will still be here'.

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