Chapter 3 - Brothers Can Be Douches

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"A PAWN? THEY USED ME LIKE A PAWN?" I had never felt so angry before and it scared me a little. Esme being the gentle soul she was, flinched once more but Rosalie nodded agreeing with my outburst.

I got out of bed quickly, "Lyra don't do anything you'll regret in the future-", Esme began to choke out. "Too late for that," I began "I regret loving Alice and Edward as my siblings."

My anger blinded all the pain I felt travel through my chest as I rushed down the stairs. The kings saw me descend but seeing my fury they did not stop me, choosing to follow me instead. The looks on all of their faces told me that they had heard me upstairs.

Jasper and Emmett both stopped me at the entry of the living room. Both looking increasingly guilty and uneasy. One look from Caius told them enough and they both scrambled to get out of the way. Alice and Edward were both sitting on the farthest couch in the room, looking abashed as I walked in. Carlisle was standing by the doorway, however, had a resigned look on his face - doing nothing to prevent me from walking up to Alice and Edward.

A few steps away I stopped, my anger receding slightly, "I am going to give you 1 chance to explain," I somehow prevented myself from screaming.

"It's not what you think," "we thought it was best", they both started at the same time, looking at one another in horror. Edward looked up at me not hiding his disgust at my mates who were standing behind me. The rage that had receded flared up again.

"Lyra you have to understand we were protecting you, they're monsters!" I was happy at that moment that I wasn't a vampire because if I had been one, I would've ripped Edward into a million pieces.

"That judgement was never up to you," I snarled. "You both wanted to use me for your own purpose," it was a statement.

Alice looked down with guilt but Edward looked offended.

"This is what we were trying to prevent, you think we actually cared about you?" He took an unneeded deep breath "There are a million monsters out there Williams, I just wanted to stop another one from growing," his eyes told me all about what he felt for me. Alice looked at Edward, a look of pure terror on her face. 

Looking over at Alice, Edward looked slightly taken aback by what he had said. When he looked over at my dejected face and my mate's furious ones though, all traces of guilt disappeared. Instead being replaced by smug smirk.

I wanted to scream, but before I could Alice lunged at Edward.

"YOU SAID IT WAS TO PROTECT HER," she screamed. The small soft corner that was left in my heart for Alice warmed. Edward pushed her back causing her to smack into the wall beside Carlisle. Jasper rushed into the room growling at Edward. Carlisle held Jasper back. So far Carlisle had been silent throughout our exchange.

"How dare you?" Carlisle seethed. Caius, who had been held back by my steady hand on his forearm, held a murderous glare on his face.

"You will be punished Cullen," he voiced.

"Masen, Edward Masen," Carlisle spat. Edward flinched at this. My mouth hung open. Carlisle had known Edward for years, yet he chose me over him. "He's no son of mine".

Instead of replying to Carlisle, Edward turned to me. "THIS... ALL YOUR FAULT," he roared, looking flustered. I flinched at his tone, Edward had never spoken to me in this way. Edward took a step towards me but Marcus and Caius were onto him before he could even say another word. Aro stood protectively in front of me baring his teeth.

In a blurry of movements, Marcus had dislodged one of Edward's arms. Caius punched Edward in the stomach, holding onto him so he didn't go flying. Edwards' head snapped back as he fell to the ground. I had to hold myself from crying out. I was angry at Edward... but he was my brother, or at least had been.

The onslaught continued, as Marcus struck Edward in the face. Both of the kings stepped back looking at the damage that they had done. Edward was now missing an arm and had several cracks on his face which were slowly beginning to clear.

Both Caius and Marcus turned to me taking in my shaken expression, "are you okay Lyra?" Marcus' voice was gentle. I found it slightly humouring how, from an instant they had gone into murder mode and now were acting all gentle and innocent. My eyes never left Edward.

"I-" I never got to I say how I felt, because before I had the chance. Edward got up. In that moment he truly looked like a monster. It wasn't his cracked face that scared me though. It was his eyes. What happened next was a blur of movements.

Hello, we're at 160 reads!!!!!!

Please leave a comment on anything you like or dislike - if yall have any ideas I am really willing to hear them - I hope you enjoy. This was kind of short one (sorry bout that) but because of that I will be updating twice more this week...

I'm evil and I'm leaving you right now with these questions...

A) Will Lyra leave the Cullens to go to Volterra?

B) Is this the end of our dearest Edweirdo

In the next few chapters It's going to be a lot of fluff between Lyra and the gaurd.

(if you find anything cringy... let... me... know)

For now goodbye.

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