Chapter 8 - Being Aware Isn't Betrayal

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Sorry I haven't been updating as frequently, I'll try to get a chapter out every weekend from now on... This book just got it's first comment that makes me so happy <3 thank you to all of you who have been reading this somehow I checked back on this book and it's gotten over a thousand views <33333 thank you guys so much.

Isabella POV: "Bella, you have to come with me now." Edward shouted.

"Oh just shut up Edward, what the fuck is wrong with you?" I screamed back. Edward took a few steps forward.

"Baby you don't understand I've been kicked out by Carlisle... Lyra isn't all she made out to be... why don't you trust me?" His usually calm and collected voice sounded not far from broken.

"Alice already told me everything, how could you do that to your own sist-"

"That bit-... she could never be my sister, why are you fighting with me over that pathetic whore?" Edward's voice now sounded strained. "She left with 3 random men she has never even met before!"

"Edward you forced her to leave... and how can you say that about her? Your the reason why she didn't ever meet them" I took a step back as bile rose in my throat. This boy... no this monster in front of me had planned to ruin my best friends life and now expected me to support his efforts. "Edward just go away please".

"No I won't go away, we're soulmates, you and I love each other," I turned away from this pathetic shell. I heard a growl behind me. Edward grabbed me as I was knocked off my feet. I must've fallen out of the window because suddenly we were outside.

"How can you even think of trusting anybody but me?" Just let me go, I wanted to scream, I wanted to hide. Darkness seeped into my vision as my heart began pounding. 'This was no longer the Edward Cullen I knew. This was a deranged beast who was overcome with hatred.

Narrator POV: 

"Edward for fucks sake let me down." Isabella began crying, begging the supposed love of her life to let her go. He didn't listen, Isabella wished that it was because he hadn't heard, but they both knew better.

The girls' raw screams didn't stop until they were in the middle of the woods the 2 often spent their time in. "W-why are w-we here," Isabella failed to hide the panic in her voice.

"I'm taking you with me. You've proved you don't trust me and that means you can't be trusted to be by yourself." The logic didn't make sense to Isabella, but she knew better than to argue with Edward right now.

"Edward please take me back, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset," the girl was begging now.

Edward grabbed her with force. "I can do whatever I want, you belong to me, only me," Bella was crying now. To what extent would he go with her, the thought chilled her to the bone.

"Edward p-please it hurts," instead of letting go the boy gripped even harder. "Or what you'll lecture me about how I should behave?" Isabella began crying even harder.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a wave of relief crashed over Bella as she recognized the voice as Jacob Black's. Edward snarled as he took in his surroundings. "This isn't your business mutts," Edward snarled, he had been so busy with Isabella he hadn't realised when the Quileute's had descended.

"Look around blood-sucker, you're in quileute territory," it was Seth who spoke now. Edward growled but let go of Isabella. As if on cue, she quickly ran over to the shapeshifters. Edward looked at Bella and then looked back at the wolves. "This doesn't end Mongrels," Jacob growled as Edward ran back into the forest.

Edward wasn't sure what he wanted more, Lyra's death or Isabella's. In his head he loved her and she had betrayed him and for that, he would make sure she paid.


Lyra POV:

"My queen... Lyra... LYRA!" I awoke with a start as I heard a sudden shout. Before I could stop myself, I tumbled off the edge of the bed and landed squarely on my backside. Looking up to find the offender I saw an amused looking Alec and a concerned Jane. I grunted with dissatisfaction as Jane zoomed over to me and picked me up, gently placing my back on my feet.

"Good-afternoon," Alec said cheerily. Afternoon? How long had I slept for? As if reading my mind Jane whispered, "It is 1:03pm my queen, we are sorry if we bothered you, we just wanted to ask when you'd wake up". My heart throbbed at her adorable mannerisms, she was still whispering afraid to startle me any further. "That's fine, why'd you want me to wake up anyways?" A dark shadow passed over both their faces, "the kings were getting out of hand and we needed an excuse to get out of there," Alec mumbled grimly. "You mustn't say things like that about the kings Alec," Jane scolded. "What's wrong?" I curiously asked.

"Master Aro told Master Marcus and Master Caius that he kissed you last night and they got hissy with one another. Both Master Marcus and Master Caius decided to rock paper scissors over who would get to go on a date with you first after that and Master Marcus won," Alec said sounding disgusted at the idea of Aro kissing me. I started laughing, uncontrollably. Who would've thought the might Volturi kings would solve their disputes using rock paper scissors. A hurt look passed Jane, "don't laugh my queen, it doesn't end there, Master Caius got so upset that he misplaced Master Marcus' books and then Master Marcus accidentally ripped Master Caius' arm off," I gasped now. "He what?" Toddlers, I was mated to 3 overgrown toddlers.

"Master Aro started laughing though when this happened and then both Master Caius and Master Marcus threw his throne out of the window," I was laughing so hard now, tears were forming in my eyes.

"Needless to say they aren't on speaking terms," Alec grimaced. I shook my head. I would need to make sure that they began speaking to one another again, but before I needed to check if Caius was okay. "Where is Caius now?"

Alec looked over at Jane before replying, "He's sulking in his bedroom," Jane slapped Alec on the arm before giving him another pointed look. "What I mean to say is that he is reconsidering this morning's actions in a positive way in his personal chambers," Alec replied back with mock formality. I had somehow gotten, 2 adorable children and 3 hissy toddlers involved in my life.

"Alright let me go get ready and then would be a dear and take me to Caius Jane?" I had kindness in my voice, something told me that Jane still wasn't 100% comfortable with me and frankly that was okay. Jane looked utterly dumbfounded by my question, but recovered quickly and nodded. Despite the humour in the situation, I hoped that Caius was okay. "The kings were going to be the death of me."

I love foreshadowing... or do I... please let me know if you have any suggestions for this book, as always love ya <3

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