Chapter 13 - Are They Really Who They Seem To Be

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My happiest memories were always with the Cullens. I used to find myself laughing the loudest when I was pranking Jasper and Edward with Emmett. In Jasper I found my secret-keeper, a person I could talk to. I used to stay up for hours just talking to Jasper and reflecting on the small things in life. He had told me that eventually you live for so long that the big things don't matter as much and you begin noticing the small things that stay the same and these are what define you. I still don't completely understand what he meant but I was finding out more about humanity in general every day that I spent in Volterra.

Perhaps in a few years time I'd think of the moment I was trapped in as one of the small things in life I deeply cherished. Currently my heart was racing and I felt incredibly lucky that I was the woman who was allowed into Marcus' arms. I was the lucky one who got to see him first after waking up.

The day caught up to me when we came back from the fair. Both Marcus and I ended up in Aro's room. Aro was nowhere to be seen, but in my exhaustion I couldn't notice anybody but the silky sheets that seemed to be beckoning me over.

I awoke next to Marcus whose shoulder was being used as a pillow. As he had promised the night before he hadn't moved an inch.

"I'm sorry for keeping you in one place all night," I said as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I knew that they were vampires and didn't sleep but even despite that Marcus looked like he was in a trance.

"Don't apologise tesoro, you've given me bragging rights on Caius for at least a year," he chuckled lightly brushing the hair out of my face. "What time is it?" I yawned midway through my sentence.

"2pm," Marcus replied without any hesitation. I nearly jumped out of my skin, if it was 2pm then Marcus had probably missed his trials and the day was practically over.

"I'm so sorry Amor, you probably had work to do, you should've left. I didn't mean to be such an inconvenience," I stopped my rambling when I saw Marcus' taken aback expression. It quickly moulded into a look of pure delight.

"Say it again," his voice was gravelly. "What do you mean?" I was sure my confusion was clearly written on my face. "Say that- ... say what you were just saying again," his pupils were blown, I shook my head. "I'm sorry Marcus," he quickly silenced me by putting a finger on my lips. "That's not my name," he smirked, an expression I hadn't seen from him thus far.

I blushed realising the nickname I had subconsciously assigned him. Lying back down I turned around facing away from him. "Don't you have work to do Marcus?" I desperately tried to hide my face that was turning into a tomato.

"Now now tesoro, play fair, I'll go if you call me that again," he turned me so I was facing him again. Not finding a better hiding spot I hid myself by burrowing into his chest. "Call me that from now on, I'll count it as a token of gratitude for the unhealthy amounts of cotton candy you made me buy you," the smile was evident in his voice. It warmed my being that I had made him smile. Still not looking up at him I conceded, "fine, I think Aro & Caius will get really upset if you don't go soon though".

He chuckled, "that was a horrible attempt at changing the topic and you know it Lyra". I groaned and looked up at him trying my best to muster Caius' glare, he looked blankly back at me trying his best not to burst out laughing.

"Fine," I smiled and looked at the floorboards and covered my face with my hands, "amor, you should go and see where your brothers are," before Marcus could react, a very angry looking Aro burst into the room.

I quickly tried to get out of Marcus' lap, but he firmly held me close to him, making escape impossible. I could tell I looked like a child caught doing something they shouldn't be doing. Aro looked pained seeing my embarrassment and Marcus' smirk. "Hi," I said in a small voice trying to break the tense atmosphere in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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