Chapter 1: Paranoia

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A stalking feeling wouldn't leave them be, no matter what they tried.
Even if they were certain they were alone, there was always some fear that there was someone lurking just behind them, and it was driving (C/F) Cookie mad.

It was even worse that there was only ever one other instance this happened, and when they ignored it, it led to all the problems they'd later have. So to them it was understandable that terror crawled through their dough when they passed dark places where one could easily hide, unsure whether or not they'd be dragged back to a place they never wanted to see again.

"Hey, (Y/N) Cookie..." One of their coworkers taps their shoulder, getting their attention but also making them jump like two feet.
"Woah! Are you ok? You've been shaking a lot..."

They don't answer. They wanted to tell someone but... "I don't think you want to hear all my emotional baggage, but if I start talking it might all just spill out." They fiddle with their bandaged hand.

"Fair enough. Is there something I can do?"

"I don't think so..." They hadn't thought about anything that might make the feeling go away.

"Alright, take care of yourself."
They watch their coworker leave, but immediately become hyper aware of just how alone they are.

Next thing they knew they were on the floor with their boss kneeling in front of them.

"Hey, (Y/N) Cookie, can you hear me?" Their employer spoke softly.

"I..." They are exhausted, which they half anticipated from getting little sleep the night before.

"It's ok. You just had a panic attack and passed out from hyperventilation." Their boss was holding their bandaged hand. "Do you know what might've caused it?"

They try to pull away in fear as the feeling of being watched returns. Not that they were really alone, just glancing around they could see that most everyone was looking at them. It made them more scared than they were before.

"It's alright if you don't want to tell me. I think you should probably stay home for the next few days, especially since you clearly need rest."

(C/F) Cookie doesn't argue with that. They just want to hide until the stalking feeling disappears. They had been powerless to stop it before, when they were trying to shake their pursuer, why would they be able to escape Him now?

"Do you want someone to help you get home?"

"I'll be alright." They lie.

The walk home was painfully long. They mostly stuck to open spaces with a lot of Cookies, but it didn't shake their dread. When they finally got inside they were trembling so much they thought they'd become a pile of dust by moving.

"You're home early." Roommate Cookie peers into the entry, "Oh goodness. Not again..."

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"You don't have to apologize. These things happen, and you can't really control when they do. It's not like you enjoy being terrified." They shrug.

(C/F) Cookie frowns at the floor.

"Tell you what, you go decide what you think would help you calm down and I'll be out here if you want to tell me about it." Roommate Cookie heads into the living room space.

(C/F) Cookie stares at the floor a moment longer before going to their room.

What did they think they could do to help this feeling? If they're so afraid Pure Vanilla Cookie has returned, what can they do to be sure if he has or hasn't?

Orchid (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Legendary! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now