Chapter 8: Action

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The next few moons were actually kind of fun for everyone in the castle. Roommate Cookie's social skills are mostly to blame; in about a week after moving in they were already friends with Licorice Cookie–he was salty towards (C/F) Cookie for humiliating him with magic lightning twice now–and Red Velvet Cookie–following an encounter with Cakeberus.
On particularly restless nights–almost every night–there would be little sandwich parties in the study with a now more permanently constructed pillow fort–thanks to the licorice servants and the cake hounds. Almost everyone living there had been to them at least once, with varying levels of enjoyment–mostly because Pomegranate Cookie viewed them as a waste of time and Dark Choco Cookie usually had to leave when people started talking about their pasts or hobbies; Dark Enchantress Cookie had even visited them a few times, though she never stuck around more than a few minutes.

Even though (C/F) Cookie and Roommate Cookie weren't officially in the Cookies of Darkness, it wasn't as though they were trying to stop them–and as long as no one knew Roommate Cookie has a Soul Jam, it would probably be fine...

"Do you remember why it was sandwiches we went to for midnight snacks?" (C/F) Cookie asks, leaning against a pillow.

"Only thing in the apartment that didn't require a microwave that would wake the neighbors." Roommate Cookie answers casually. "And the cheapest."

"Oh yeah..."

The two lay in silence. Pomegranate Cookie had just demanded everyone go to bed, leaving the two of them alone.

"Do you think he'll be back soon?" (C/F) Cookie asks.

"No idea. At least we have an extra line of defense." Roommate Cookie snickers.

"He won't come back alone."

"What makes you so sure of that?"

"Dark Enchantress Cookie is after his Soul Jam. He's not going to be willing to just hand that over; not even for me."

"Woah! Something he values more than you? Impossible!"

"He doesn't want to die before me. It lets him live as long as I can, possibly longer." (C/F) Cookie explains.

"Doesn't it also make him stronger and increase his magical capacity?"

"What are those when he has an eternity to improve his skills?"

"Then why did he give you...?"

"I don't know. It didn't make much sense to me either."

"Ah, ok." Roommate Cookie stares up at the ceiling, "So what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"Probably go down to the library again, I know there isn't anything there that interests you... sorry."

"Eh, I'll find something to do. Good night." Roommate Cookie shrugs, pulling a spare blanket over themself.

"Good night."

Roommate Cookie did indeed find something to do, it was rather odd to see all the Cake chefs in such a panic, making enough food to feed an entire country. Other cakes were fetching a massive amount of silverware, enough for an entire country to have six different forks and two cups each.

"Good morning, Roommate Cookie." Dark Enchantress Cookie greets, "Preparations are coming along nicely, aren't they?"

"Preparations?" Roommate Cookie repeats.

"Ah, yes, we have a few guests coming. We plan to have a feast once they arrive."


"I'm here to welcome Cookies to the New World! I'd like to welcome them personally." She grins.

Orchid (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Legendary! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now