Chapter 5: Bandages

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Before either could say anything, Roommate Cookie finally appears beside them, hastily pushing open the flap into the tent.
"(Y/N) Cookie, I thought you'd come get me after you guys got back..."

"I didn't see you." (C/F) Cookie replies, grabbing the wrist of their injured hand and staring at it intently.

"Hello." 'Healer' Cookie greets them, smiling warmly, "Can I help you with something?"

Lucky for (C/F) Cookie, Roommate Cookie answers for them, gently prying off their iron grip on their own wrist as they do so—likely to prevent them from crushing their arm further.

"Yeah, actually, my friend (Y/N) Cookie here hurt their hand pretty bad and I was wondering if you could look at it. (Let go.)" Roommate Cookie smiles, attempting to hide their obvious frustration as instead (C/F) Cookie grips their arm hard enough to break it—and both were a bit surprised when it didn't.

"Oh, so they're who you were talking about earlier." Healer Cookie chuckles slightly as he starts walking over to the two of them.

"Yeah. They get pretty nervous around strangers." Roommate Cookie winces as (C/F) Cookie grips their arm tighter.

"It's quite alright, (Y/N) Cookie." Healer Cookie smiles kindly at them, taking hold of their injured hand's wrist, "I know what I'm doing."

Roommate Cookie is a bit stunned when (C/F) Cookie just lets their arm go and allows him to guide them across the room, but they can tell from their expression that it's not with any feeling of safety. They quickly followed just behind.

(C/F) Cookie's breathing is steady, but ragged, and it's somewhat obvious they're trying to hide just how terrified they are.

"It's ok. You can relax." Healer Cookie says softly as he rubs their arm, gently coaxing them to sit just across from him and let him do as he pleased.
He begins to assess the damage by feeling over it through the bandages, clearly able to tell where it hurt when they tried to wrench their hand from him and he had to grab their forearm to keep it still.

"It's in multiple pieces... after it shattered I tried to immediately wrap it up so it didn't totally crumble off and we wouldn't lose all of it, but at least half of it is... not attached." Roommate Cookie informs him.

Healer Cookie nods slowly, "I'm going to need to unwrap it so I can more effectively know what needs to be done. But I can probably put it back together with it like this."

It was a bit unnatural to Roommate Cookie how quiet (C/F) Cookie is... It's unsettling.

Healer Cookie carefully held (C/F) Cookie's hand, like it was made of sugar glass and would shatter under any more pressure (to be fair, it probably would...). After only a few moments he gently began unwrapping it, and it finally gave Roommate Cookie a sense of just how powerful he was—to make magic like that look effortless and invisible.
If (C/F) Cookie hadn't told them about all the things he did to them, they would've found him incredible, and in a way they still did.

(C/F) Cookie finally releases an audible sob as the last of the bandages come off, revealing the scar he gave them all that time ago and that their hand was practically in uneven fourths–split along the scar and across it horizontally. Even though the healer had restored it, it was still barely together.

"Oh dear..." Healer Cookie frowns, "How did this happen?"

To his and Roommate Cookie's surprise, (C/F) Cookie managed to choke out an answer without totally breaking down into tears.


This was quite obviously a lie, but it was a very specific one. Pure Vanilla Cookie had told everyone when he first split their hand open that what happened was they fell at a funny angle and landed on it.
After the war, it had become their go-to response if anyone asked them how they got the scar. Even if it wasn't true, it was more habitual to tell people–and better to use to hide things.

Orchid (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Legendary! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now