Chapter 4: Disguise

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"Goodness, (C/F) Cookie, look at the mess you've made." Pure Vanilla Cookie snickers as he looks around at the pillow fort they had built themself in his study. "Did you drag all these up here from your room? Hang on, is this quilt from my chambers?"

"Go away." They clutch their head in fear, glad the childish walls of blanket and pillow hid their tearstained face from his piercing gaze.

"Aww, but (C/F) Cookie, you already know I won't do that." He smiles, "I'm actually rather glad you made this. It gives me an excuse not to do all the work I came in here to do and instead spend time with you."

"I'm still mad at you, Orchid!" They snap at him.

"Really now? It's been moons since then! I ensured your hand would heal, didn't I?"

"Oh, you think that's the only thing I'm mad about?" They shout.

"Watch your tone, (C/F) Cookie." Pure Vanilla Cookie replies coldly.

They quickly cover their mouth as a fearful sob tries to squeak its way out of them.

"Quiet now, hmm? That can mean only one of two things: one, you're learning how to behave without needing me to discipline you; or two, you're trying to hide something from me. Maybe it's a bit of both. I'm coming in there. Don't try to hide from me." Pure Vanilla Cookie removes his hat down as he bends down to enter the fort.

As much as (C/F) Cookie would like to object, saying anything would likely cause them to start sobbing loudly, which would cause him to ignore them anyway. They just tucked their legs in tighter as they heard him stumble over to them.

"There you are." He immediately pulls them into a hug as soon as they're in arm's reach. "Oh, how I've missed having you here in my arms." Pure Vanilla Cookie pauses as he feels them try to stifle a sniffle. "Oh, it's ok. I love you! I won't ever hurt you without reason! You haven't done anything worthy of punishment today; you have no reason to be scared." His embrace was full of care, but they were blocking it out with their fear.
"You'll be alright. I'm here... I will protect you. I will heal your pains."

(C/F) Cookie wakes up on the blanket that was the roof of their pillow fort and immediately begins to panic.

Is he there?! Has he already found them?!

"(Y/N) Cookie! Calm down! You're going to take your hand off at this rate!" Roommate Cookie's voice grounds them enough to orient themself with what is going on.

It also draws their attention to their hand, which they quickly realize they can't move.

"I... My... MY HAND!!! What's wrong with my hand?!"

"Hey, it's ok, deep breaths; it's just you and me here." Roommate Cookie holds up their hands. "Breathe."

(C/F) Cookie grabs their head, their shock subsiding but quickly replaced with hysterical sobbing.

Roommate Cookie facepalms with both hands, "What was I expecting...? There's no reason you would be calm about this! Hey, (Y/N) Cookie, you need to breathe. I'll tell you what happened when I'm not worried you'll pass out at any second, ok?"

(C/F) Cookie nods, and it was only then that they realized their roommate was calling the (Y/N) Cookie instead of (C/F) Cookie. They try to take deeper breaths with gentle encouragement from Roommate Cookie, who hands them a water bottle.

"So, you do remember what happened last night right? Giant catastrophe that we both partially knew would probably happen, but didn't want to acknowledge the possibility of... yeah. You had a total meltdown and ended up falling asleep in the middle of the road after passing out. I did my best to make sure you were ok... you were pretty out of it when you woke up for a second. In your panic, you crushed your hand, so I bandaged it to keep all the pieces attached."

Orchid (Yandere Pure Vanilla Cookie x Legendary! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now