Chapter 5: Mole

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" Kaden, Mr Paciello wishes to speak with you in his office." A maid told him from the door in Annella's room. Kaden looked to the maid with a sigh and soft nodded.

" Okay, I will be there." Kaden informed her and twisted his body off the bed where Annella lay, she was still knocked out seeing as the accident only happened yesterday. Kaden stood to his feet and walked towards the door to leave, but not before taking a quick glance at Annella. Kaden quickly made his way towards Antonio's office, eager to find out what has cause him not to return to his daughter. With a soft knock on the office door, Kaden walked in to find Antonio sat at his desk with a man next to him. Kaden recognised his as the man that pulled Antonio away yesterday. But six other men were standing in a line facing the two.

" Ah Kaden, just in time." Antonio spoke as he beckon him to his side, Kaden quickly followed his orders and stood on the opposite of Antonio side to the man.

" Kaden we have a problema. Someone in this room is a rat. They have informed this he Castillo family of Annella, and in turn. Has put her at the top of their hit list." His thickened accent sent a threatening tone to the six men facing them as Kaden felt anger boil within him.

" Really? And just who could that be?" Kaden asked with venom dripping for his words. The men stood with fear clearly evident in their eyes.

" If the mole speaks now," Antonio began as he pulled his silver pistol from his drawer and placed it onto his desk so that they all could see it. "I promise to make death quick."

" But if you do not... Then I will make sure you die very, very slowly." Kaden finished off for him with a deadly glare at each of the men. There was silence in the room as no one dared to speak.

" Parlano!" (Speak!) Antonio roared finished with the silence that coated everyone.

" Very well. You had your chance to speak. Kaden, you have skills in finding things out." Antonio called as Kaden stepped forward and watched the men. His eyes scanned and took in their movements and body position. He walked up and down the front of the line several times, slowly assessing them all. When he stopped in front of the second from the right.

" This one. " Was all Kaden had the her say before the man fell to his knees and gripped onto Kaden's shirt

" Please, they were going to kill me! Forgive me. Ti prego perdonami!"(please forgive me) he begged as Kaden looked to Antonio who's face was unreadable, but no doubt he was angry beyond comprehension.

" Un giorno, poi di ucciderlo." (One day, then kill him.) Antonio said blankly as the other six men nodded and dragged the behind man of Kaden and out the room. The air was thick as the silence hung heavy between the three men.

" What do we do now?" Kaden asked Antonio who sighed and held his head with his hands in frustration.

" Pull her out of school, Annella is not allow to be alone anywhere. Of she is not with either myself or you then she must have a tail." Antonio spoke with authority as Kaden nodded.

" School only has about two weeks left and we are in senior year. So we no longer have to go." Kaden agreed with him as he paced back and forth the office.

" The Castillo's will send there best to hunt Annella. We will have to be ready for it." The man spoke as he rounded the desk and walked towards the doors. " I will inform the men." And with that he left the room.

" We should hold the wedding as soon as possible. That way we can take the honeymoon soon and disappear for a few weeks." Kaden said taking a seat on the other side of Antonio's desk and looked at his soon to be father in law.

" That way I can sort things out before you both arrive back." Antonio nodded and stood from his seat. "Then the wedding shall be in one week." Kaden looked to him wide eyed.

"A week?" He asked, his heart fluttered with nerves at the though.

" Yes, once the ceremony is complete you will take Annella to our safe house in Italia, where you will stay for three weeks." He told him as he walked out his office leaving Kaden to think everything over. It has all happened so quickly, one second he's a high school student heir to his father's business and the next he is being married to a woman at the top of a hit list and becoming heir to two family business all at once. But the one thing that was the biggest on his mind, was he was getting married. He may have only meet Annella a few times, but he had fallen in love with her the moment he saw her. Given he though she was a normal student at the high school, with no significance to her other than the fact that she was unmistakable beautiful. At first all he wanted to do was bed her then leave, but when he found out she was Mr Paciello's daughter he change that idea of a thought. He did not fancy the idea of being hung drawn and quartered, never mind who his father was. Antonio would never forgive the man to do such to his daughter.

" Wonderful..." Was all Kaden whispered as he stood to his feet and walked out the office. He went straight back to Annella's room to find her still asleep on her bed, exactly the way he left her. He walked up and over to her peaceful looking features, to Kaden she looked like an angel asleep.

" Such trouble your causing us." Kaden chuckled deeply as he kissed his fiancé's forehead gently.

" But you are beyond worth it." He muttered again and sat on the chair next to her bed to clean her stitches like the doctor had ordered.

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