Chapter 7: Games

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"Annella, may I come in?" Kaden's voice asked from the other side of her bedroom door. Annella was currently sitting on her bed reading a thick book with her back against the headboard and her tv on playing a rerun of criminal minds.

" Yeah." She called out as the door opened. Annella never took her eyes off the book until she had finished reading that page. She pulled her bookmark up and placed it in the book before she closed it and looked up to the door. Kaden was smirking as he slowly walked over to her bed and sat down.

" Morning, beautiful." Kaden spoke in a deep husky voice, knowing that every girl he used it upon; fell to his feet. Annella just sighed and looked to the tv mounted upon her wall.

" Morning." Was all she uttered to him, causing his smirk to fall at her lack of 'falling to his feet'.

" How are you today then, princess?" He asked forcing his smirk back on, keeping his deep husk. Annella sighed and shifted to look at the very well built man next to her.

" Let's get this straight, Kaden. I am only doing this for my father. That means I am putting up with you." Annella informed him with a less then pleased tone. The smirk once again fell permanently from Kaden's lips at her words.

" You will fall for me, Annella." Kaden said with complete confidence while shaking his head and shrugged his shoulders.

" Like hell I would fall for a player like you." Annella growled to Kaden. There was a silence within the air as for a moment no one moved. Then Kaden grabbed Annella's leg and pulled them down to the bottom of her bed, causing her to now be laying flat on her back. He then took no time and rolled over to lay on top of her with his face inches away from hers. He was supporting himself with his elbows on either side of her head as she looked up at him stunned for a split second.

" I would not be so sure of that, sweet cheeks." He whispered dipping his head to her ear. "All girls do."

" Kaden..." Annella smiled to him as he pulled his head back to look down at her brown eyes.

" Yes princess?" He whispered softly to her as he felt her hands run up his stomach to his chest. He watched her eyes flicker to his lips then back to his eyes, grabbing his white shirt tightly around his chest. Annella moved her lips closer to his slowly, before Kaden could even comprehend what had happened. Annella had flipped their positions so that Kaden was laying on her bed looking up at her straddling his waist.

" What the?" Kaden said as his hands subconsciously moved to rest upon her hips as she bent down to his ear.

" Remember this, baby." Annella mocked him as she then bent down to his ear. Her hot breath sending his mind into a frenzy.

" You may be a 'player'..." She began as Kaden bit his bottom lip from the pleasure of her being so close to him. "But I am, the game." She whispered and bit his ear just to tease him further. She felt his hand move down from her hips to her thighs, signalling she had succeeded in her conquest to turn him on. Annella smirked and lifted her leg over him and jumped off the bed as Kaden groaned in displeasure.

" Make sure your out my room before I finish my shower." Annella spoke to him as she walked to her attached bathroom, swinging her hips with emphasis to tease him further. Kaden watched with hungry eyes as she disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. He groaned and let his head fall heavily onto the pillow. Within moments Kaden forced himself up and off the bed, to walk out Annella's room. He shoved his hands into his black Jean pockets as he walked down the hall towards Antonio's office, it did not take too long as it was only around the corners from Annella's room. He knocked a few times before he was call to enter.

" Antonio. I need your help." Kaden asked as he walked over and sat down on a chair, while Antonio continued with some piece of paper.

" What can I help you with?" He asked Kaden, not taking his eyes off the papers he was signing.

"You have experience with woman, do you not?" Kaden said shifting uncomfortably in the chair. Antonio smirked and put down his pen too look up at Kaden.

" You wanna know how to win Annella's heart?" He said leaning back in his chair as Kaden nodded his head gently with a slight blush. Antonio just laughed softly and folded his hands over her stomach.

" Woman like the small things that men do for them. Sure they enjoy being taken out for dinner or taken away for a holiday. But what they really enjoy is being given flowers, being called princess and the men showing their interest in their life." Antonio explained to Kaden, who was listening closely. "Buy her earrings, buy her movies and sit with her to watch them. But the movie will be her choice and if it is frozen or anything like that, you still have to watch it. Show her you are interested in her ideas and hobbies." He told Kaden who nodded and began to think about what he could do.

" Small things, right." Kaden said scratching his chin trying to think of something he could do in order to understand Annella better.

" Take her out for dinner, ask her questions. Get to know her." Antonio told him as Kaden nodded. "There is a really nice Italian restaurant down in the main town. Take her there tonight, I will sort out the reservation for you at seven tonight."

" Antonio, thank you. You have helped a lot." Kaden smiled as he stood up and shook Antonio's hand before turning and walking out of the office. Making his way back through the Annella's room and knocking on the door.

" Come in!" Annella called and Kaden pushed open the door to see Annella standing pulling her hair up into a plait. She was wearing a pair of blue lace pants and a black shirt just covering her belly. Her long tanned legs and perfectly rounded bum had Kaden's eyes glued.

" I came to say I am going to take you out... For... Dinner." He muttered watched as Annella placed her hands onto her cocked hips with a raise eyebrow. Kaden then began imagining those wonderful legs wrapped around his waist tightly with his hands running over her warm smooth skin.

" Earth to Kaden." Annella snapped her fingers, now directly in front of him. Kaden blinked from his trance and looked into her eyes.

" Huh? Oh sorry, just, uhh... Could you em, put some clothes on." Kaden stuttered looking away with a light blush.

"Awe, is Kaden imagining immature thoughts about my legs?" Annella asked as she ran a tentative finger from his right shoulder over his shirt covered chest to his left shoulder. Kaden let out a low growl to her before grabbing her shoulder to turn her and pin her to the door behind him.

" Keep doing that, and I may not be able to control myself, princess." Kaden spoke with his body pressed completely up against her, keeping her to the door. His nose was skimming over the nape of her neck with his hot breathing making the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. His lips skimmed her smooth skin causing a low moan to unwilling escape from Annella's mouth.

" And remember." Kaden whispered dangerously low as his lips moved to her ear. His lips skimmed over the ear lob when he let out a gentle breath. "Two can play the game." And with that he pulled away from Annella.

" Make sure you wear a fancy dress tonight, beautiful." Kaden whispered as he took hold of Annella's hand and pulled her back from the door, he kissed her forehead before turning to the door and walking out the room.

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