Chapter 6: Awake

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For the next two days, either Kaden or Antonio were sat by Annella's bedside, day and/or night. A IV drip had been set up to keep her nutritional needs met. It was now shifting into the evening of the third day from the accident and Kaden was sitting next to Annella's bedside, holding her hand gently while rubbing his thumb over her soft knuckles. Kaden's eyes watched Annella closely as the doctor had informed them she would awake between now and the next sunrise. Kaden's eyes quickly picked up on the heavier rise and fall of her chest. His back straightened and he became more aware of her movements.

" Call Antonio!" Kaden called out knowing someone would hear him. Annella gently began to stir on her bed causing a smile to form softly onto Kaden's lips. The door then burst open as Antonio rushed into the room and feel too his knees at the side of the bed; grabbing hold of Annella's hand. He gave it a gentle kiss onto her knuckles, which made Annella moan as her eyes gentle open to reveal her beautiful hazel brown eyes.

" Annella? Ciao bambina, how are you feeling?" He asked her as she let her eyes prolonged looking at her father.

" Papa?" She moaned quietly to him with a confused glint held in her eyes.

" Yes?" Antonio asked her softly, running a hand over her head and caressing his thumb over his daughter's pale cheek.

" What happened?" She asked him moving so she was sitting up with her back against the headboard of her bed.

" Do you not remember?" He asked her as she shook her head softly and turned to look at Kaden.

" All I remember is, going to school... then nothing." She spoke with scared eyes to her father. Antonio's heart seemed to melt at the sight of his only child looking so scared.

" Papa, Chi è?" (Who is this?) Annella asked him as she looked back at Kaden then to her father.

" Nonti ricordidi lui?" (Do you not remember him?) Antonio asked his daughter as he gave a glance to Kaden.

" no, io non. Dovrei?" (No, I don't. Should I?) She asked again in confusion as Antonio's back straightened as he looked to Kaden.

" Kaden, may I have a word outside with you." Antonio told him more like a command than a question. Kaden nodded and stood up from the chair as Antonio placed a long kiss on her forehead, before leading Kaden out the room.

" Un momento, Bambina." He told Annella with a smile and closed the door. Antonio sighed and looked to Kaden.

" I hate myself for even thinking about what I am about to say. Annella not having her memory could prove to be beneficial to us. It will be easier to tell her that you are her fiance." Antonio said with anger in every word. It was clear to Kaden, that he did not like the idea of lying and manipulating his own flesh and blood.

" I understand, but lets try and keep this as close to the truth as we can. That way if she does regain her memory, we will not be lying to her." Kaden agreed with him as a moment of silence fell over them.

" Yes, that we will do. We will tell her that you are her fiance and that it was arranged by me for her safety. We will not tell her about your first encounter at school. From what I gather it was not all to well." Antonio smirked to Kaden as he nodded and chuckled.

" It was not the best way. But had I know you even had a daughter, I would have been more vigilant." He said with a smile as Antonio nodded understand.

" Yes, But heed my words Kaden. Any funny business with her, if you break her heart; friend or no friend. I will kill you." Antonio growled more furiously than Kaden had ever known. Kaden nodded with a shiver running down his spin, nothing scared him more than his father or Antonio when they were being serious or they were angry.

" I understand very well." Kaden choked out to him as Antonio shifted back to a smile and placed a hand onto his shoulder.

" If you ever have a daughter, you will understand my motives. All you will want to do, is make sure they have nothing but the best." Antonio reassured him as they walked back into the room.

" I am sorry about that, Bambina." Antonio spoke smoothly as he gracefully walked over to his daughter; who lay confused on her bed.

" Who is he? I have tried to remember him, but I cannot." Annella asked her father as the two men sat on her bed.

" Annella, this is Kaden." Antonio began as seeming struggled to get the next part out from his mouth. He looked down with a sigh before turning to look up at Annella with a new found determination. "Your fiance."

" What? But I don't remember him. Like, at all." Annella said with a raised eyebrow.

" That's because I arranged it." He began and almost immediately Annella went to say something but Antonio stopped by cutting her words short with his own. " Listen to me first, before you begin any thoughts." He begged her as she nodded, showing for him to continue his explanation.

" I have arranged this because I know Kaden will look after you. In my line of work, a female cannot take the role of boss. Think of it as a country, I am the King, you are it's Princess. Now, in order for you to take the throne. You must wed to a Prince." He said pointing to Kaden. "A Prince who will look after you and help run the country. But instead of it being a country, it's my business." There was silence in the room.

" Annella, he is only doing this for your own well being. Just like your father, there is nothing more I want than for you to safe." Kaden told her, taking hold of her other hand. Annella nodded understanding as she looked down.

" I will go with it, Papa. But I only wish you had brought me into the arrangement. It is my life you gave away after all. I would have like a say in who it was going too." Annella told her father with a sad look as Antonio nodded and allowed his eyes to drop down the ground.

" I guess you are right. Mi dispiace, bambina" ( I am sorry.) He sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair.

" Papa, it's alright. You were only looking out for me. You are doing an amazing job at being my father. Especially after she disappeared from my life." Annella smiled wholeheartedly to her father.

" Ti voglio bene, bambina." (I love you.) He smiled and he kissed her hand with tears in his eyes. He was happy that his daughter had seen the side he had seen and accepted it.

"Ti amo troppo, padre." (I love you too, father.) Annella smiled to him as she turned her gaze to Kaden and smiled, not saying a word.

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