Chapter 1: New Face

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A white Audi A1 Sport pulled up into the busy, cramped student car park. The gray sky threatening to unleash it tears down onto the students, that were rushing around trying to get to their classes. The driver door of the car opening and out stepped a young female clad in black combat boots and light blue skinny jeans. A thick grey leather jacket with a fluffy collar hugged her plump body warmly as her brown hair fell down her back in gentle waves. Her hazel brown eyes scanned the sea of students that weaved in and out of each other. With a deep breath the young woman stepped towards the large red building, a white sign stood to the right of the main white doors. The writing was in black bold letter saying: Sword Cross high school.

" Look out!" A voice yelled as the brown haired girl stepped to her left as a boy with long brown hair mopped over his head, rushed pasted her closely followed by a blond boy; who was no doubt a a jock. Without another thought she put her foot out slightly, tripping up the jock. He landed face first onto the ground with a grunt, he rolled over to see who had trip him as the brown haired girl put her hand to her mouth ad bent down to his height.

" Oh god! I am so sorry. It was an accident." She spoke in a soft voice with a faked sense of urgency.

" It's alright." He said as the girl helped him to his feet, he stood at least half a head taller than her with gentle green eyes. A red jock jacket unzipped with a white shirt underneath it and blue jeans with red plimsolls tied with white laces.

" Really, I am so sorry." She said with a scrunched up face as she continued to apologise to him.

" It's fine really. I'm Jake, you must be new here. I would have remember such a beautiful face before." Jake flirted with her, the girls face tinted red as she gave a gentle chuckle.

" I'm Annella. Yes I am new here, just moved over from Scotland." She told him putting her hand out to shake it, which he did with a gentle grip.

" Do you, um, do you know where the office is? I need my timetable." Annella asked him as she lifted her white shoulder bag up onto her shoulder more and then brushed her fingers through the top of her hair.

" Yes, come with me. I will show you where it is." He said nudging his head motioning for her to follow him. The turned and began walking down the corridor, it's walls were lined with lockers, something which was rare to find back in Scotland.

" So why did you move?" Jake asked her as the twisted in and out dodging students rushing around.

" My father lives here. He wanted me to move in with him seeing as back in Scotland I was living alone." Annella shrugged as he nodded his head with an understanding look.

" I would do that same if I were him. I would not want my daughter to be alone on the other side if the world" He shrugged as Annella raised an eyebrow.

" so if I was a boy it would be alright? Is that what you are saying?" She asked him as he slowly began to grew panicked at his statement.

" N-no. I-I. " He stuttered trying to defend himself as Annella chuckled as she shook her head with a smile.

" I'm just playing with ya." She laughed as he sighed and relaxed his shoulders as a smile pulled at the corners of his lips gently.

" Anyway here's the office." He said nodding to Annella, who turned her head to him.

" Thanks." She told him and walked over to the lady as Jake smiled and walked off to his frost class.

" Hi, I need to pick up my timetable." Annella told the old lady who wore thin framed glasses with string attached so they can hang around you neck. The old lady looked at her with a scowl and nodded.

" Annella Summers?" She asked her. Annella nodded softly with a smile.

" Welcome to Sword Cross high school. Here is your timetable and locker number." She spat and handed Annella a piece of paper, quickly going back to what ever she was doing on the computer.

" Thanks." Annella scoffed and turned around walking back through the halls. She looked at her locker number which was 397 she turned her eyes to the lockers on her left. She was still a bit away as she followed the numbers decending through the halls.

" Finally." She whispered to herself as she found her locker. She put in her new code and opened the locker with a harsh pull. She looked at her timetable before opening her bag. Her first lesson was history so she pulled out her notepad and pen then quickly shoving her bag into the small hold in the wall. As she closed the door a person was right behind it, scaring her slightly.

" Judas." She whispered in fright as her eyed the man standing to her right. He was handsome indeed, with jet black hair three inches long and stunning blue eyes. A strong jawline meet wonderfully with broad shoulders covered with a black v neck shirt.

" Hi." He smirked a million pound smile that sent Annella's heart flying.

" Hi." She growled to him and turned around to walk to her class.

"The history rooms are this way." He called to her in a deep sexy voice as she spun on her heels and stormed straight past him. The guy chuckled as he followed her.

" My name is Kaden. You must be the new girl." He introduction himself to her as Annella rolled her eyes.

" No shit Sherlock." She growled to him as she walked through the now empty halls.

" Fisty." He spoke and through his words Annella did not need to see his face to know he was smirking.

" Yeah? well get used to it." Annella growled back as he sent her a chuckle.

" Wow hey. I am only trying to be nice here babe. " He smirked to her as she turned to face him with a placid look on her face.

" Wow, two minutes in this school and I already have the high school player trying to get into my pants." Annella said stating a fact.

" So I am the high school player? How do you know that?" He asked skeptical of her knowledge.

" The is a small foundation smudge on your collar and a few strands of long blond hair that is caught on you black shirt, clearly left by the girl you shagged the janitors lockers due to the mixed smell of bleach and cheap perfume that's clinging to you. So I would appreciate it if you kept me of your slag radar as it will never happen between us." She finished her long rant by turning around and walking away from the now completely stunned boy. She stopped and turned her head around to look at him with an achieving smirk.

" And never called me 'babe' again." She giggled and spun her head back allowing her hair to fly dramatically as she bounced down the hallway happy with her winnings.

Kaden stood there watching the woman walk away from him. Something he was never accustomed too. He was used to girl falling at his feet with just a simple smirk, a bat of his eyes and a single word. But this new girl was different; she did not fall for his charm. She did not even tell him her name as she swung her hips away from him with such emphasis behind them. As if to say to him: you can look but you can never touch. It was then and there, as a smirk grew in the place of his open mouth. He decided.

He will win her over.

She was his new challenge.

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