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she's smiling all the way with Mpilo glancing at her.
"So, that's your love?" He asks swallowing a bit. He still cannot get over the fact that they call each other with such names. Who knows what Lindiwe told that girl back in there. Maybe it’s just a cover up.
"Who? Onyiye?"
He nods his head. "More than my love. I'm so happy to see her and my babies." She squeals in excitement.
"Babies? I didn't know that you have babies."
"Technically they not mine from birth but they mine. What's hers is mines."
"Which means I'm also hers?" His eyebrows furrowed still focused on the road.
"Even more," she responds - he harshly presses on the brakes making her to mover forward a bit.
"Shit! Are you okay?"
"Were you trying to kill me!" She's mad,
"It's you."
She looks at him briefly and burst into laughter. "It's me that made you press hardly in those what, what?"
"Mxm," he smiles shortly before going tense again.

"Are you always this uptight?" Lindiwe asks stepping out of the car. She's back here again!
"What do you mean?" He locks the door and walks towards the lifts.
"You don't laugh, hardly talk, nje you stiff in a way."
"Depends on who you are." He responds and check his wrist watch. "I'm going home later on. My uncle will fetch me."
"Okay, I will go to res then."
"No!" They step out of the lift with Lindiwe looking at him astonished.
"What! I'm beginning to think that you are a controlling bastard that only thinks of him…."
A deep heavy kiss. A lusty kiss on her lips, the classic make-out session making her knees weak. He pulls her lower lips hard and softly biting them.
"Ihe washa khekhe!"
Both Mpilo and Lindiwe get startled by the voice and the clap of hands.
"Baba," Mpilo's eyes wander around.
"Cha don't baba me. Am I chillies?" Embarrassing! "Ntokazi, gegalagege angithuki Wena ngithuka uthando. Uyangifaka noma uyangifaka?"
"Lindiwe go inside and wait for me." Mpilo instructs. Without asking anymore questions Lindiwe hurries for her life. She thanks Mpilo for saving her life there. Mpilo is left to deal with the crazy Spikes.

Before they left Lindiwe has already cooked. Just a simple dish puthu and chicken.
Spikes eats without saying a word….
"Porn Star, your food is essentials."
Lindiwe looks at him lost. "You see, you will fit well in our category. Just so you know, if you marry this junkie - you are marrying every bit of the Myeza including Ginger my dog."
"Baba please, you are embarrassing me." Mpilo hisses.
"Let me tell you something about this Dom Kopp. You see the scars on his forehead. He used to bump his head all over - no wonder he is mindless. Did you see the tattoo on his back?" Lindiwe nods her head in agreement.
"That's his mother. You know what she did when she found out that he drew her face on his back?"
"What did she do?" Lindiwe asks.
"She b…."
"Malume, that's enough." Mpilo pleads with his eyes.
"My porn star children." Spikes pats on Mpilo's shoulder - he sighs in defeat mode. The man with the runny mouth in the family!

Lindiwe is texting back to back with Onyiye. Mpilo looks at her briefly and notices that she loves her family more than anything.
They have been cooped up in this flat watching movies….
It's hard to resist such, he is a man but he has to take it down as it is.
She puts her phone down smiling and turns to face him.
"Goodnight." She says looking at him. She slides down on the bed covering herself the duvet.
Not that he is afraid of having intimacy with her. It's just that their relationship started on a wrong foot and now being labelled as a psychopath.
"Who's a psychopath?" He finds himself asking. Lindiwe uncovers herself…..
"I didn't say you were." Fear in her eyes.
"It's okay - you most definitely were not wrong to think what your mind drove you to. But jut so you know, I will never hurt a woman in anyway. My mother never thought me in that manner. I respect woman more than I respect myself. I have a bunch of siblings back at home." He sighs sliding down also laying next to her. "This is just me, but you will get used to me when time goes by. I'm not going to force you - but I will let the course do for itself. Wena nje just know that you are mine and mine alone."
"How will I know is that you are not toying with my feelings?" She asks.
"My actions will speak for itself. I'm not much of a talker but I can definitely act." He responds kissing the bridge of her noise. "Are you done with your periods?" He asks with his already hand traveling down to her honey pot.
"Just little drops. By tomorrow they will be gone."
"Come sleep." He lays on his back and pats on his chest.
This feels so implausibly…..
"What do you see in me? When I look at you I see a man who is that type that dates his type." She has her head on his chest with his arm around her waist.
"That's where you are wrong. My type is not what you think. My type is you, I may not have a good way of approaching but just know that you are the best one can truly desire."
"I see," she sighs not too sure. "What about Thabi?"
"What about her?" He glances at her….
"Never mind-" does she tell him that she has insecurities? She's not confident enough about her self esteem.
"Talk." He commands.
"Okay, since you say we are dating. Will it happen that you will find yourself missing her?" That question….
"Honestly, Thabi is wild in bed and knows her thing but I will never date her. So my answer to you is no - once I take further steps I don't look back. Angeke ngihlanze umhlanzo ngiphinde ngiwudle. I'm a man of my own words. So trust me when I say I will not go back to her."
Still she's not hundred percent sure of this set up. "Wena just focus on yourself and books the rest will follow." He adds making her to melt. Maybe he is not a psychopath after all as she constructed him. Maybe giving him a chance won't be a bad idea. She smiles removing her head off his chest but he holds her tighter.
"I just want to use the bathroom." She giggles getting off the bed. She came her wearing a floral short dress with flip flops and a bicker jacket. Since Friday she has been wearing his t-shirts that's almost a size of a dress on her. Atleast he was man enough to buy her toiletries and underwear’s for changing.
"Why are you following me?" She stops on her tracks and looks at him. He enjoys walking around half naked, that she has noticed.
"I don't trust you. You might just jump out of the window." He says pushing her towards the toilet.
"It's almost 10 pm and wena you think I might escape?" She's confused. Why would he think such?
"After the questions you have been asking me I do not trust you one bit woman. Go do your business."
She has never heard such!
She has always been naked infront of him because he is such an inspector.
She pulls her panties down and notices the pad has not spots. She smiles in relief but guilt take over. It's not her normal periods but she killed an innocent soul.

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