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She can't really tell how she slept. Everything was just blur to a point that she stole whiskey - that belongs to Sthembiso's father and gulped it down to ease the pain she is feeling. She slept with a heavy hurt thinking of what lies ahead. What is expected of her? How to react to this situation? What must she do and how must she do it?
She is having trouble staying in the moment, she tries a mindfulness technique. While she is in the shower, she tries paying attention to what she's doing. She doesn't want to let her mind wander to what's going on later in the day; instead, pay attention to how the soap feels on her skin, the way the hot water relaxes her muscles, and the scent of soap in the air. Focusing her attention on the sensations she's feeling, not what's going through her head.
She steps out of the shower and wraps herself with a towel. A faint knock on the door and she knows it's her son Ndimu. She puts on a smile on her face welcoming her kids. 
"My babies." She picks both of them up in excitement. Yesterday, they were all over the place in excitement seeing their mother. And today they couldn't wait to be in her arms. 
Ndimu wiggles himself off her arms, she puts him down and he runs to where the bedroom is. 
He comes back crying…
"Daddy is not here." 
She tries picking him up but he cries harder. She sighs placing Ngimu on the bed and holds his tiny hands. 
She tries picking him up again but he refuses. The door is still open.
Sthembiso has his outside room, they do what they want without any disturbance.
"Knock, knock," a male voice knocks on the door. She clears her throat and stands up fixing her towel. Dumisani looks at her from head to toe, clearly he is undressing her. She grabs Sthembiso's gown and wears it.
"Can I help you?" He is still looking at her without saying any word. 
He clears his throat and nervously smiles. 
"Mum asked why is the baby crying?"
"He misses his father." 
"Ow," he clears his throat again. 
"Is there anything else?" He she asks. 
"Erm, no. You look beautiful by the way." He walks out leaving her standing with her mouth partially open. She shakes her head and closes the door. 
She lotions her body and wears a comfortable dress with flip flops letting her braids loose. 
There is no food in this house and she needs to go do some groceries.  Keeping herself busy will do.
She's in town - she feels like everyone is looking at her. But when she scans her eyes around she sees no one. She’s pushing the trolley filled with varieties of food. 
She wonders how this woman survived since she doesn't buy any groceries.
Tazz came with to help. "Is that all?" He asks putting the groceries in the car. 
"Yes, I think that's enough." 
She takes the trolley back and catches a glimpse of Sisipho walking towards their direction. 
She looks at her closely and indeed it's her. She leaves the trolley by the security and walks out sipping her water in the bottle. She stands besides the car and watches Tazz loading every plastic in the boot. 
"I'm done, we can go."


She swallows looking at her sister getting in a red Tazz with her crush.
This cannot be happening! She hurries her legs towards the car. She stands infront of it not knowing what to say. 
"Ony…" She takes a deep breath. Now that she knows what happened, everything comes back within a blink of an eye. She closes her eyes feeling a bit dizzy.
Onyiye just looks at her through the window screen and continues to drink whatever she's drinking.
"Onyiye, can I talk to you." She puts the brave mode on. Her heart is banging, Onyiye steps out of the car looking nothing like Onyiye she knows. The Onyiye who had breast milk all over her t-shirt.
The Onyiye who had a cracked face, black feet and thin legs. 
She's standing right infront of her running out of words to talk. 
"I know this is not the right time or a good place to say this, but mum is sick and she needs you." 
"So, your mother wants me to take care of her?" She asks with her eyebrows ached. 
"No, she wants to see you. I think she wants to tell you something." 
Moment of silence. She never had a conversation with her sister. And now that she is talking to her, she finds it very awkward and intimidated by her. 
"Please, you are all that she talks about." Her eyes become glossy. Onyiye sighs. 
"Fine, I can spare a minute." 
"Thank you," she stops herself from hugging her. 
"Get in the car." Onyiye leaves her standing and hops in the car fastening the seat belt. 
"Tazz, can you please take us to her home. Her mother wants to see me." 
Sisipho gets in the backseat and smiles looking at Tazz.
"Ntokazi," he doesn't turn to face her. He starts the car and drives off. Onyiye's phone rings - Sisipho glances at it and notices Sbahle with love emoji’s around the name. 
"Where are my kids?" Sbahle asks making Onyiye to laugh a bit.
"Kids are at home with their granny." 
"Call me when you get home. We will be coming down with Khoza later on." 
"I really appreciate the support you guys show me." 
"Later mtaka baba." Sbahle.
"Later sisi wami." They blow kisses and she disconnects the call. She looks outside the window and sighs. 
Sisipho is looking at her wondering who was calling her.

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