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Looking at her sister going all crazy in store looking for outfits to wear. One would swear that they have been best buddies for quite some time and it is a crazy feeling. She agreed and suggested they go shopping and get something to eat… She has been hugging her non-stop again and for the first time in a long time it felt genuine. Sisipho is someone you can't get rid of. As much as she thought she hated her, deep down she longed for this kind of friendship.
“How about this one?” She asks looking at a very short floral dress. Pink dress with pink flowers? Like, really? Is this girl trying to embarrass her or what!
“Take nude, it goes better with the complexion of your skin.” She says.
“Are you sure?” She frowns looking at the dress.
“Yes, dummy, I am sure. Go fit it on.” She squeals in excitement and runs to the fitting room to fit the dress. She comes out and, Yeap as she has anticipated it fits her perfectly fine.
They continue shopping running around the Eshowe mall. She is definitely tired; she never knew that Sisipho could run around town this much. Let alone go crazy over shopping. They first had to buy groceries for their home and then shopping for clothes.
They pass time by having ice-cream.
"I don't even know what…" Sisipho eyes are being fixed on something. Onyiye turns around to look but she's just seeing people walking in and out. 
Sisipho take a deep breath closing her. 
"Are you okay?" She asks. 
"Yes," the couple walk right past them holding hands. 
"Okay…" She looks at her with her eyebrows raised. "I know we are not close but you tell me what's eating you." 
"That's Lungisani my ex. We dated for four years, he recently got married while he was still with me and he left me with a child." She chucks letting her tears flow. "He even gave me money for abortion." She leans back with tears rolling down a marathon race.
"He is not worth your tears. Now that you know, move on with your life and forget about him. Find yourself another man and take care of your child simple." She’s pregnant and again another shocker. She will not judge. 
"It's not as simple as you say." 
"Are you trying to tell me that you are holding back onto him praying that he comes to his senses? Girl, dust yourself and move on. Don't block happiness for a man who is not worth it." 
Sisipho keeps quite for a second thoughtfully. She needs to let her heart heal. Minutes later Tazz and Sthembiso walk in and spot them chilled by the side eating ice-cream. 
Sthembiso sits besides Onyiye and kisses her forehead. Tazz sits next to Sisipho. 
"I now believe you inlove with crying." Tazz.
"That's not true." Sisipho sighs looking down. She wipes the tears still looking down.
"We should get going. I'm sure my mother needs me for her personal needs." 
"I understand. Maybe some other time." Onyiye.
"Thanks you once again. I now feel lighter getting some things off my chest."
Onyiye nods her head and smiles. 
Sisipho stands up, she slips and sits on top of Tazz. 
"Ouch!" She hisses looking at her ankle. 
"Are you okay?" 
"I hurt my ankle." 
"Let me take you home." Tazz says helping her stand. She limps unable to put her foot down.
"It hurts." 
"Pick her up Tazz." Sthembiso instructs. Tazz picks her up in bridal style and walks out carrying her. Onyiye spots the so cold ex staring their direction. She picks their shopping bags up with the help of Sthembiso. 
They help Tazz loading the plastics in the car with Sisipho still massaging her foot.  "Will you be okay?" Onyiye asks worriedly.
"I believe so. I don't know how I slipped." 
"Askies. Tazz will leave you at home and also helps you with the plastics." 
"Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much this means to me." Onyiye nods her head smiling. 
"I had fun too. I would like you to meet my other sister." 
Sisipho's face lighten with a bright smile on her face. 
"Yes, will talk though. But it will happen before I go to back Durban."

She's looking at the pictures they took.
The first time she gets to have quality time with her sister! Is seems so serial and different."
"I've been waiting for this for 20 years. So you have no idea how it feels like."
She sighs.
"It's like a huge burden has been removed off me. I don't know but my heart seems happy."
He nods his head. “I'm happy that you are happy munku wami. I just hope she has no agenda hidden behind her. Phela babe, a snake never changes its colour. You should always keep that in mind."
That she knows and she's something she's aware about. She smiles and continues to scroll through her phone.
They arrive home and they find the yard buzzing with people.
Her heart skips a bit in fear.
"Be yourself babe. Don't let Dumisani get to you even in death."
"I just keep seeing his open skull."
"Eventually, all of this will go away babe. Just be you and act normal like the mother of my kids."
"Okay babe." She nervously smiles. They both step out of the car. Thye walk towards the house holding hands. Sthembiso freezes looking at MaZet sitting on the mattress. Onyiye looks closely and she knows this woman!
She looks at Sthembiso with her mouth partially open.
"Is it her?" He asks. Onyiye nods her head with her eyes glistening with tears.
"What is she doing here?" She whispers.
"She is pregnant with my brother's baby." He chucks shaking his head. MaZet tilts her head but quickly looks down when her eyes meet Onyiye's. Sthembiso let's go of her hand and kisses her cheeks.
"I'll go check on the babies." He squeezes her butt a bit making her to shyly smile. She carries her legs to the kitchen to assist and minds her business.

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