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She is looking at his grave with a smile on her face. Today she decided to go down to where he was buried. Sometimes, it’s beneficial to sit in a quiet and take time to think or to pray. It’s something that she does lately. And it soothes her soul.
"Hei babe." She kneels down and begins cleaning his grave. She no longer cries but always smile's. That is what he would have wanted. 
"Look who I bought. Nomaswazi." 
She sits down and takes a deep breath. Mpilo hands her the baby and steps back giving them privacy.
"I wrote you a letter again." She chucks, she always right him a letter whenever she passes by. It something that she decided to do, with her heart out. 
"I know you might've been tired of hearing my voice telling you how much I miss you. I'll try not to say I miss you.  I am grappling with this new routine, new hours, new sleep pattern.  I have learned that we cannot go around the pain of our grief. Instead, we must learn to embrace and express it. This is hard but absolutely necessary work for me and my health. It comes in random flashbacks that, on any other day, would make me giggle, smile, or even blush. It's an onslaught of emotions out of the blue, in the most poorly timed moment, like as I'm just joining a video meeting at my still-new job. It's screaming my lungs out or punching my steering wheel on my commute home. It's lying across the freshly dug dirt at the cemetery, sobbing How did this even happen? Why you? Some days, I want to eat all of the things, and others, just the thought of food makes me sick. My grief also has these moments of calmness and focus, followed up almost immediately with guilt. I'm still grieving and healing but it's not an easy road. But I'm doing this for us." 
She sniffs and turns to look at Mpilo who was now squatted behind her. He has his head bent down in shame.
"Your memory will never be wiped in my heart. You will be always loved." She says standing up. Mpilo also stands up to help her.
"I will find you in the car." He tells her. She nods her head and move her legs to the car where it was parked - outside the cemetery with the baby on her chest.
He takes a deep breath putting his hands in his pocket.
"They are the most special people in my life and I want you to always know that I will do anything for them. Because their happiness is my happiness, I will make sure to keep things light for them. If it gets too tough, I will stop myself from going down the wrong road. No matter what, I love them and I can’t be prouder to have someone like them in my life! You can take my word for it. Sorry for what I did, hade bafo." 
He stands there for about a good minute before taking his leave.


"Zandile will be bringing Qophelo over. It's time I set boundaries." He says laying on the couch. He still leaves in flat but has been considering buying a house. He is a man, he can't raise kids in a flat. 
"Hmmm," she deep into her books not minding him.
"Mnono!" He pulls her toes.
"Can't you see I'm ignoring you? Sometimes I forget that you have a hearing problem." She says. 
He sits up straight and looks at her still buried in her books. 
He snatches the book off her hands and throws it aside. 
She's furious, why on earth would he do such.
"I want my attention." He whines.
"Wouldn't you have asked instead of snatching my books?" 
He just stares at her without saying anything. She fails to contain herself and burst into laughter. 
"I've never been with a man annoying as you." She clicks her tounge getting off the couch. He pulls her by hand making her to lay on to of him. She has gained a few kilos in the past months.
"And you still have your entire life time to see this annoying face." He smirks making her to blush. 
There was this time when their relationship faced a degree of difficulty but they stood against all odds.
Falling in love was the easy part. The challenge for them was how to rekindle the fires of romance and cultivate the mature, trusting love that is the hallmark of a lasting relationship. Communication has been the best but they are still warming up to each other.
"I think I'm going to regret ever falling in love with you." She chucks.
He smiles widely and sucks his lower lip. He places his hand behind his head for balance and another hand on her back.
"I think I'm regretting it too."
They both stare at each other…
The door opens and they both look towards the direction. Lindiwe secretively rolls her eyes moving off him. He stands up and looks at Zandile who has her baby boy in her arms.
"I thought you were alone." She says looking at Lindiwe up and down.
"No, I'm with the woman of the house. We need to talk." He says taking the baby off her hands. He goes to the bedroom with the baby and comes back finding both of them still standing.
"Sit down." He instructs. Zandile huffs as she sits down folding her arms dramatically.
"I'll be in the bedroom." Lindiwe tries to untangle herself from the situation.
"Sit your ass down woman." He instructs. Zandile smirks looking at Lindiwe who didn't seem bothered at all.
"The reason why I called you here is because I want us to set boundaries. You see this woman, this woman is here to stay and I see a future with her. Me having a child with you doesn't mean that we will get married or have a happily ever after. I want you to respect the woman who is in my life and know your place as a baby mama." 
"So, what about the world you promised me?" Zandile asks.
"I didn't promise you the world. Yes, we were in a relationship but not for once have I ever said anything about the future or even talk about marriage." 
"The thing of you walking in and out of this house needs to stop. The spare keys that you have will be left behind…" 
"What if my baby misses you and wants to be with his father?" 
"I'm sure he doesn't know anything about keys and lockers. If he wants me as you claim, give me a call I will come pick my son up. If I'm busy my woman will come by." 
Zandile gasps looking at him.
She fishes in her bag and takes out a set of keys and throws them into his direction. She stands up and walks out banding the door behind her. 
"She will heal. Don't mind her." 
That's all she does these days. Minding
her business to its best!
The baby mama issue has been set and laid out. Now that they have that out of the way they will need to focus on the future and the utmost.
"Thank you for giving me another chance but I haven't healed that you gave my cake to that so called ex!” he huffs side eyeing her.
One of the reasons why she was rebellious and out of control was because of him. She rolls her eyes and continues to watch TV. This is something he gets to sing every day without fail. How he found out – till today she does not know. Never in her wildest dreams will she ever ask him because clearly his mind works over time. Or maybe he was following her that day.
“How do you know?” she asks. At this point she would simply like to know how does he know about all of this. She promised herself never to asks but her stupid mouth goes to do the opposite.
“I am something else, don’t underestimate me. How was it?”
How can someone know this much when they were never told?
He chucks looking at her.
“How was what?” he asks again. She puts on the brave mode on. She will never admit that she slept with him. Smanga’s sex game has always been the best. That man can do his job left, right and centre without fail. She finds herself wanting to smile.
“The sex. Was it that good for you to scream your lungs out for the whole neighbourhood to hear?” guess he will never let this slide. Rather give him wants he wants…
“It was okay. I was just in pain wanting something to release and he was the best object.”
“So, you used him?”
“No, we used each other.”
He chucks. “I see.” He turns his whole body to focus on the television. He asked for the answers so he has them.
At first her mind probably thought that this was Tazz calling her but her speculations were wrong. Tazz will never call her, he is with Thandeka. How stupid of her to think such! 
Her phone rings again…
"Ain't you going to pick that up?" 
Gerald asks. For some reason he is annoyed. 
"I don't know this number." 
She shrug her shoulders getting in bed. 
"Then pick it up. What if it's something important?" He is getting more mad. 
She sighs annoyed and picks the phone up. 
"Halo," she answers with her phone on loud speaker.  
"Sisipho, it's me. Please don't drop." 
"Lungisani. What do you want?" She is shocked. She never expected this this, his call to be precise. Gerald is now ears on attentively.
"Can we talk?" 
She wants to scream and say no but the man right infront of her face will say otherwise. 
She's trying so hard to be calm to her outmost. 
"It's something that we cannot talk over the phone. I need to see you." 
She looks at Gerald. He nods his head in agreement making her astonished.
"Ow, okay." 
"I will bring my wife along. I hope you do not mind." 
Some things never change. He is still the same old bastard.
"It's okay. I'll bring my husband along too. Just text me the details." 
She drops the line and clicks her tongue. Clearly this man has an agenda behind his meet up. 
"So, I'm your husband?"
"No!" She tries getting off the bed but he pulls her by her gown. She giggles falling back on the bed. 
"I don't remember marrying you." He laughs. She's embarrassed!


Morning came - breakfast prepared, kids bathe and feed. 
She's looking at herself in the mirror…
"Are we having a double date?" 
Gerald is wearing a white Polo t-shirt, black Nike short with his Nike flip flops. Showing his well built body.
She pauses looking at him without saying a word. The man has a great body…
"Wow," she is even failing to compliment. Her on another hand - she's wearing a black and yellow short circle dress with her Air Force. Simple look yet elegant. 
"We should get going. I don't want to drive at night. You look hot by the way.”


Arriving at the located restaurant she finds them already sited. Gerald has Sipho on his hands.
She greets before sitting down. Lungisani grabs a bottle of water and gulps it down without stopping.
Gerald pulls for a chair and settles down also.
"I will just get straight to the point."
"I just want to know. Is the baby mine?" The audacity of this man.
"I had an abortion, like your told me to."
Thandeka cringes to the sound of that and looks at his brother in disbelief.
"So the baby you are seeing is not yours but his."
"No but's Lungisani. I did do an abortion."
"I see. So, you really did an abortion?"
"Babe…" Gerald intervenes. She takes a deep breath and her eyes glister with tears.
"She is your daughter."
Gerald brushes her arm.
"I'm sorry Sisipho. I shouldn't have done what I did. I was afraid of what will people say since I was married."
"You married her while still in a relationship with me. So I don't understand what your point is."
He clears his throat looking uncomfortable.
"You said you broke way before you even met me." The wife says in disbelief.
"It's a long story."
"Wow," Sisipho.
He made it clear that he didn’t want to have a baby with her and forced her to have an abortion. She decided to keep the baby and found herself on the receiving end of his insults and accusations. Still, she held on and told herself she will never have an abortion.
She gave birth to her beautiful daughter and fell in love with her instantly.
Instead of being angry or hating him, she asked God to give her the strength to forgive. She forgave him for her own sanity. She now has a job and can look after her own daughter. She’s the best thing that ever happened to her and she’s so glad she didn’t abort her.


He is so focused on the road. The conversation earlier brought back alot of emotions for Gerald.
She didn't even notice that they have arrived. The car has been so silent, just thoughts flooding through their minds.
They both step out with the babies at the backseat. She will drop them off in the morning at their fathers place. Her mother is with Gerald's parents. Durban was fun until Lungisani came along. What was he doing there in the first place? Now Gerald's mood has dropped from hundred to zero.
He went straight to bed without bathing.
She sits besides him not knowing what to say but she knows that she definitely has to say something.
"You may not have given her life but you sure made and still going to make her life better. Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you her dad, because you are so special to me and to her. You know you will teach her the game and you will teach her how to play it right."
"You think so." That's the blushing that she missed.
"I don't think so, I know so. Fatherhood requires love, not DNA. You know I once read somewhere that a man can help make a child, but it takes a special man to help raise a child. Never doubt your fathering skills to that child of yours. Lungisani coming back to claim what’s his doesn't change the fact that you are still the dad in this and your word is final. He will not have to go through me when he wants Sipho, he will have to go through you. That is how much I value you."
"Thank you. I guess I needed that."
So, dude has been sulking!
"You always told me that communication is the best. What changed?"
"Nothing. And please, send these kids to their fathers house early in the morning. My eardrums have infection. Jesus! That young fella can scream." She laughs getting in bed. The special moment almost became sour.
She did have fun with her sisters children and she promises herself to have a life time of those moments.

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