Chapter 13

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I stared out the window as Lynn entered an old, dark alley with no street lights. "We're here" she said, parking the car. "What is this place? Where are we?" I asked as I opened the car door and looked around. "Well this is only our first stop for the night," she said smirking, "we're in Lowell. Right next to St. Patrick Cemetery."

I followed Lynn into a brick building that I figured was abandoned.

We entered through a door at the back of the building. As we stepped in, a weird smell filled my nostrils. I made a weird face but kept moving after a moment. "You should get used to the smell" Lynn suggested, walking up a flight of stairs. I stood at the bottom of them, I was afraid to go upstairs because the stairs seemed fairly unstable.

I looked at Lynn with a concerned face. She sighed under her breath and walked down to me, reaching out her hand. I grabbed it and walked up the creaking stairs.

There were no rooms on the second floor, just one big area. Plastic covers concealed some of the furniture and windows. It was empty inside aside from a few chairs and a black backpack in the corner of the room.

I stood in place as I watched Lynn walk toward the backpack.

"Let's go," she said and walked back downstairs, "I just had to grab this. It's not our real destination." She explained, I gave her a confused look and immediately followed her to the exit. We walked back to the car and drove off.

"What's in the backpack?" I asked, picking it up from the backseat and putting in on my lap. "Just some things we will use later on tonight." She said slyly and gave me a little smirk.

We drove for seven minutes to be exact until I felt the car coming to a stop. "Don't leave yet," Lynn demanded, "I have to check the area first. Just wait in the car for a second." She walked out and I viewed her until she was out of sight. Lynn came back after a few minutes and took the backpack from my lap. She swung a strap over her shoulder and went to open the trunk. She took out two of the sweatshirts that we bought earlier and tossed one to me. The sweatshirts were big and black so we would probably not get spotted in the dark of the night.

I put the sweatshirt on without hesitation and walked towards Lynn. She handed me a flashlight and I turned it on. "Let's go." She whispered loudly, a demanding tone in her voice. I nodded and followed her.

We walked for a bit in silence until we arrived.. somewhere. I did not know where we were to be completely honest, but I just went with it.

Lynn turned to face me. She had a big, sly smile spread on her face. "Hold this for me," Lynn said, handing me a piece of paper covered in messy handwriting and doodles.

F**k It List:

The words read, I continued reading to myself.

1. Stick random bumper stickers on random cars
2. Destroy something big
3. Go swimming in a water source at night (when it's freezing)
4. Skydive
5. Kick down a door
6. Travel the world
7. Spend the night at a cemetery
8. Break into a theme park

"Fuck it list?" I looked at Lynn and saw her blushing slightly and smiling as she dug through the black backpack. "What are you looking for?" I asked, she ignored me but finally found the thing and pulled it out, "Aha!" She said in excitement. Lynn walked a little closer to me and took the paper out of my grip and scrunched it in her hand as she put the bag back on her back.

"Let's go," she said quietly, grabbing my hand tight with her free one. I followed her to a wide road. Only a few cars sped through the road because it was quite late, 11 pm to be exact.

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