Chapter 4

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I woke up with sunrise and slowly fluttered my eyes open. I looked to my right, expecting to see Lynn sleeping peacefully beside me but instead the room was empty. I stared at the empty spot beside me in confusion and searched for her. "Lynn?" I asked worried, "Lynn?" I said louder. I walked into the woods close to where we spent the night and looked around. I turned around to face The Cliff and saw a small figure sitting right on the edge. I exhaled in relief and ran to her, she had her arms stretched to the sides and a big smile on her lips. Lynn's hair was up in a bun and a few strands of her hair escaped it. I sat down next to her and attempted to start a conversation "It's so nice up here" I said, Lynn looked at me and giggled. "What's so funny?" Lynn didn't answer and giggled some more, I pushed her playfully and chuckled. "Nothing, you're just awkward. You're gay aren't you?" She asked curiously, I nodded and ask her how she knew. "Well, you're a girl and I'm a girl and you're checking me out and then when I kiss you you kiss me back an-" she babbled an I cut her off with a small peck on the lips. I pulled away and blushed. "Stop blushing" she said, and punched me softly. "Ouch, okay" I replied and laughed.

"We should head back" I announced as I checked my phone and saw three missed calls from Dane and ten from my mom. I called my mom to calm her down and tell her I'm with a friend.

Lynn picked up the guitar and I tidied the blankets. We shoved them in the car, Lynn popped into the drivers seat and I sat beside her. She started the car and turned on the radio. An obnoxious pop song came on, I reached out to turn it off but Lynn slapped the back of my hand "No I love this song!" She whined and looked at me with puppy eyes, I couldn't resist that so I gave up.

She sang the lyrics to the song and moved around in her seat when she drove down the big hill that lead back to town. We stopped at a red light and I heard a weird noise. "What was that?" I asked nervously. I looked at Lynn, she blushed and pointed at her stomach. I laughed to tears. "Stop don't laugh at me, I'm hungry" she cried and I stopped. "Let's go eat somewhere, there's an amazing pancake house right around the corner" I suggested and we went there.

Lynn parked the car in the empty parking lot. We got out and entered the pancake house. The smell of maple and freshly brewed coffee filled my nostrils and I sighed. Lynn grabbed my hand and lead me to a table for two. Moments later, a waitress arrived to take our orders. I ordered a cup of coffee and two pancakes. Lynn ordered iced tea and French toast. We chatted a bit when we waited for the food to arrive.

My pancakes came first, then our beverages and finally Lynn's French toast. I watched her tear her food apart and enjoy every bite. She finished her food fairly quickly and moved on to her drink, she sipped her drink three times and finished it. I glanced at her with my mouth opened wide. "Don't judge me. I haven't eaten in a long time" she said like a three year old and giggled. Lynn had so much energy all the time, and I loved that about her. I checked my phone for the time and saw it was already ten in the morning. School started three hours ago.

"Shit" I said as I took a bite from my pancake and washed it down with some coffee. "What is it?!" Lynn said, her eyes bolted and she was worried. "Don't worry, it's just that it's a Wednesday and school started hours ago." I said calming her down. "Oh, damn. We should go, finish up" she rushed me. "Hey! Don't rush my digesting system!" I joked and we laughed. I finished my food and paid for the meals and let Lynn pay the tip just because she was very stubborn.

We walked to the car hand in hand and I opened the passenger door for her. She thanked me and got in as I walked to the other side. We started driving towards school when I noticed I was in the crumpled clothes from last night. We were two minutes from school and I turned around and started driving fast to my house, driving through at least three red lights. "Whoa, Alexa. I love it when you go wild, I really do. But we have school" she said trying to catch my attention. "My clothes" I said, "Yea I like them, they're really pretty now can we please go to school? Please?"
I chuckled and turned the car to parking mode as I pulled into my driveway. "Welcome to the San Román house" I said, opening the front door for her. "What are we doing here?" She asked, walking upstairs and peeking into rooms until she found mine. "I have to change, and I'll give you some clothes too if you want, but not from mine they're too small." Lynn looked at me in a confused look as she studied my room. "Just a sec, wait here." I demanded her and entered my sisters room. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans and a tank top for Lynn to wear and walked back into my room. I saw Lynn laying on my bed nodding her head to the beat of 'Kick Me' and giggled. She noticed me and got up to hug me. As she embraced me I felt the world stopping for a moment. But something bugged me..

"Hey Lynn?" I asked in a hushed voice as I pulled away. "Yea?" She looked at me with those big green eyes of hers, leaving her arms wrapped around my neck. I wanted to kiss her, so badly. But I didn't, because I had to get this off my chest. "Do you think we're going too fast?" I asked. Lynn let go of me and stood in front of me playing with her head band. "I mean, I just met you last night. You might be a murderer for all I know" I said attempting to crack a joke. Lynn giggled and said sarcastically "Yea, I'm a murderer".

"No but I'm serious, are we taking this too fast?" I asked insistently, Lynn tilted her head and ran her thumb across my jawline. "Well, if you want to, we can slow down a bit. Which means no kissing until tonight." She paused and frowned "which will be very hard for me. But I'll do it for you" she smiled at me and hugged me once more. I grinned as I hugged her back, putting my head on her shoulder.

"Okay, Lex, school" she said breaking the peaceful silence. I frowned at her and pouted, Lynn ignored me and walked to my closet. She took out a white t-shirt, and dark blue skinny jeans. "Here, put these on. I'll give you my necklace if you want, too" she said handing me the set of clothes and took off her necklace. "Keep it, I have my own" I said, trying to sound sassy but Lynn just fell on the floor and laughed.

We both showered (in different bathrooms), changed, and did our hair and makeup. I finished earlier so I went downstairs to the kitchen and made us some fruit shakes. My cat Sparrow walked up to me and purred. I kneeled down to pet him but was interrupted by a sound of a thud coming from the stairs. I walked there and saw Lynn laying on the floor and holding the side of her head with her hands, she was laughing hysterically. "Lynn what the hell?" I said giggling. "I heard a cat" she said innocently looking up at me. I tried to hold in my laughter but couldn't. "Come one get up!" I said and put her on my back. She was bigger than me and a little heavier so I was completely out of balance and nearly fell twice, I put Lynn down on the kitchen floor and picked Sparrow up into my arms and gave him to Lynn. She held him like a baby, I was amazed how she had connected with him in seconds. I stood in front of them with the shakes I my hands. "I thought you wanted to go to school" I chuckled and Lynn looked up at me and hugged Sparrow closer to her. She finally let him go and we drank our shakes and arrived at school at 11:30, in the middle of the fourth period.

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