Chapter 15

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A/n: hello fellow readers,
I'm so sorry I didn't update in such a long time. I'm going to try to write a lot more. I also have a lot of free time since I'm out of school for the summer. So I hope you enjoy this next chapter. Please comment what you think.
      I groaned softly as I opened my eyes. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and sighed. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and opened it to check the time. Squinting from the brightness that came from the screen, I read the white numbers in front of my eyes.

  'Three thirty am, great.׳ I said and sighed once again.

  I put my phone down beside me on the soft bed and rested my arm on my forehead. I hummed to myself for a bit and tried to fall back asleep. After a while I finally managed to, but the moment I closed my eyes... the dream resumed.

  I shot my eyes open angrily and sat up on my bed. I rubbed my eyes again and groaned as I fell back down to a lying position.

   "Why do I keep having those dreams? It's the third time already!" I said to myself out loud. "I know it's not real, I know Lynn is alive. Why do I keep having them?"

After a few minutes of sinking into deep thought, I decided to take out my laptop and go on tumblr. And that is how I spent the rest of my night.

At 11:00am,bI left my bed and made myself some breakfast. I poured some cereal and milk into a bowl and took it up to my room. I sat at my desk and decided to call Lynn.

"Hey babe" I said, as soon as Lynn picked up the phone after two or three rings.

"Hey," she replied in a sleepy voice.

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry, I can call anoth-" I started saying but was cut off.

"No no babe it's okay" Lynn said and yawned loudly. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing. Do you wanna do something today?" I asked and checked my calendar on my wall to see if I'm free. (Yes, I use a calendar).

"Uhh yea sure, wanna go to a movie and grab lunch later?" She suggested. I nodded in response and later realized she can't see me and immediately said yes.

I hung up after saying goodbye and walked lazily to my closet.

'What should I wear today?' I asked myself while staring into the neat piles of black and white clothes that lay in my closet.

After trying on a few outfits, I picked out a white t-shirt and some dark blue jeans. I put on a crystal necklace and applied my makeup. I walked to the bathroom and did my usual morning routine; brushed my teeth and did my hair.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and yawned as I got to the door.  I checked to see if my mom or dad left me a note with chores I have to do that day but there was nothing there.

I then headed to the family room and checked the time, it was now 12:48pm. I am supposed to meet Lynn at 1:00pm so she'll probably be here shortly.

I walked around the room eagerly, waiting for Lynn to arrive. The doorbell rang and I ran towards it.

"Hey, Lynn" I said as I pulled Lynn int is hug.

"Hey there, what's up?" She said, pulling away and kissing my cheek.

"Umm you should sit down," I said nervously and sat down on the couch in the living room 

"O-okay" Lynn replied hesitantly and sat beside me.

"Look, I've been having these weird dreams and I- I feel like we should talk about them" I started

"Yea sure, do they involve me or any of the guys?" She asked and smiled at me sadly.

"Well yea uhh- they, they involve you. S-so I've been having these dreams where- uhh- where you die. Every- um- every single time," I stuttered and cautiously looked up at my precious girlfriend.

"Die? As in, like, drop dead?" She said, I could sense the fear in her eyes, the worry in her voice. She stared into my dead eyes and played with the wristband on her arm.

"Y-yea," I mumbled. "Well there's the first time it happened when you- uhh- dies from cancer which I told you about already. Then there was the one where- uhh-" I stopped for a moment and let my eyes study Lynn from top to bottom. "Well, the one dream where you were murdered by uhh some serial killer that escaped from jail, and - and then there's the latest dream."

"I- I don't know what to say, Alexa-" Lynn said quietly.

"W-wait wait. Please let me finish, it probably won't help but- uhh- I just want you to hear it all." I interrupted, "the last dream, we were hanging out and I accidentally hit you in the head with a- uhh - a hammer..."

"What?!" She said, "this is, this is just crazy. I can't Alexa I have to calm down." Lynn got up and walked towards the front door. "I'll - I, I'll call you later, bye." She said coldly and left, slamming the door behind her

For weeks, I waited for Lynn to call me back, text, or contact me in any way. I didn't see her in school after that day either, some say she left town and moved to a different school, I don't know what to believe.

And that's how it ended, folks, that was the end of Lynn and I.
Until this day, I jump every time I get a text hoping it's from her, I get excited every time I hear a knock on my door wishing Lynn is there, but it never happens and I- I'm starting to lose hope.
A/n: umm hey👋 so this is the last chapter of Stay, it's pretty short and pretty lame and im very sorry but I just suddenly got inspired and decided to do this.
I really hope you like this.

Now about the new story, I decided to make a new fanfic, a lynexa fanfic. I do not know what the plot will be yet but I do know that the characters will be a little different from how they are in real life.


So leave a comment telling me what you think, uhh vote, add to your library and reading list and follow me

*all of the above is not obligatory, you may only do it if you feel like it*

Thank you

Stay alive, friends


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