Can't think of a name...

496 10 4

  Okay guys, I think I'm going to ditch this fanfic.

Now before you get mad, let me give you my reasoning.

      - It didn't turn out as I expected at all

            this isn't necessarily bad, I did like the direction I was going for,  but I just feel like I was making things up as I go instead of planning ahead and really understanding what I want this fan fiction to be.

      - I also feel like it isn't original and is maybe even a little over done so I want to try to create something new and as original and mine as I can.

        by not original, I mean that the story is basically New Girl comes to town, falls in love with Friend, they start dating, something happens between them, they make up and boom. I am aware I kind of changed it a bit, but before I had the idea of 'The Dreams', I wanted that Emma girl to basically interfere with their relationship. (If you have read all of the latest chapters, you'll understand what I am talking about).

      - Now, I think that lastly the chapters were a little too short for my taste and not good enough for me to feel 100% confident and happy with.

      So in short, I want to shelve this story, at least for a while, and start something new and more original. I have started writing the next chapter for this story so I might finish it and upload it but I'm not sure.

Secondly, I want to leave this fanfic on my profile for you guys, the readers, and new people to read and maybe somehow get ideas for your own works. 

Anyway, I haven't started brainstorming ideas for the new story I want to write and I want to hear your opinions; Should I maybe finish this story before creating something new? Should I leave the stroy up or remove it? Should I post the chapter I'm currently working on? 

Please let me know what you think in the comments, I would really appreciate it.

PS: Thank you all so much for over 5,000 reads, I am so grateful and thankful for each and every one of you  who actually took the time to read my chapters and support this story. Again, thank you so much.


So.. Bye for now 

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