Chapter Eleven

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"May god have mercy on my enemies

'cause I won't."

"Calm down mate and think, who could've taken her?" Philza's rational voice said, speaking to Technoblade who was pacing back and forth on the floor.

"How could I have been so stupid Phil?" Technoblade asked, ignoring Philza's advice. "There was an attempted kidnapping in the woods I should've known, I should've known not to leave her alone and that they would try again Phil I should've killed them there."

"If they tried twice then its personal right?" Philza said, trying to help. "Who would've taken her for a personal matter?"

"I don't know I don't know. I mean there's her father but no he doesn't know she's here. Everyone else loves her I mean who wouldn't? Of course there was Dream and he..." Technoblade trailed off as he stopped pacing.

Suddenly there was a firey look in his eyes, one that sent chills down Philza's spine and he knew, there was no stopping him in what he's about to do.

Technoblade showed up outside the large facility where he knew Dream was. Completely decked out in enchanted nertherite armor, Technoblade walked in, his loud steps echo throughout the just about empty place.

"Technoblade" Dream greeted "What are you doing here?"

"You have what's mine." Technoblade said, words dripping with venom and his glare just daring Dream to deny the truth.

A hint of curiosity shone through Dream's eyes. "Technoblade i'll be honest with you, when Ophelia denied me power I was angry, sure, but I knew with you by her side I didn't have a chance. Unless of course, I found what controls you."

"And!" Dream laughing maniacally "What are the chances! It's her! Technoblade right now, I have power over you."

"You're a fool if you truly believe that." Technoblade seethed through his teeth.

Dream's smile grew wider "Oh you never let me down, I was hoping you'd say that." Dream pushed a button that made the wall behind him come down, to reveal an oversized bird cage, swinging above lava, and inside was Ophelia.

"Techno!" Ophelia shouted, her voice hopeful. "I push this button again," Dream started as Technoblade's attention slowly withdrew from the girl to Dream, "And that cage falls."

Within a swift movement Technoblade's sword was unsheathed and an inch away from Dream's neck.

Dream smiled cockily "You could kill me, but I would still be able to press this button before I die, so I don't think you'll do that, will you?"

Technoblade held his breath before lowering his sword, glare fixed on Dreams hand.

"Great!" Dream said, clapping hands together. "So heres the deal, I release her, as long as you get her to marry me."

"I don't control her Dream." Technoblade said, his stare cold and deadly.

Dream laughed "But you do! This is the fun part! Just as I can control you through her, I can control her through you!" Dream stated as though it was a fun fact. "Drop your weapons and armor."

"No." "Then I push the button." Dream said, moving his hand back towards the button until the clanging of his sword hitting the ground was heard. Dream smiled, satisfied "now your armor."

"No! Technoblade don't do it." Ophelia cried out, not wanting him to be vulnerable. "Do it." Dream combated, smiling wider as the man took off all him armor and threw it on the ground in front of him.

Dream picked up Technoblade's sword off the ground, admiring it before pointing it at Technoblade's neck. "Ophelia, agree to marry me or he dies." Dream said darkly, watching as the girl starred in horror.

"Okay okay! I will I promise!" Ophelia said, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Now was that so hard?" Dream said with a sickening grin.
Walking over he pressed a button that made the lava beneath Ophelia turn the floor and pressed the button for the cage to drop.

As the cage came to the ground with a crash Technoblade ran over, grabbing the bars with his bare hands he pulled them apart, just wide enough for Ophelia to slip through and immediately run into his arms.

Dream scoffed "So dramatic, there was a door right there." He said, rolling his eyes as he looked at the two holding each other tightly.

"I'll give you your armor and sword back after she signs this contract, agreeing to marry me." Dream stated, growing tired and jealous of the two that stood in front of him.

Ophelia pulled away from Technoblade's embrace before giving him a reassuring nod. She walked over to Dream, grabbing the contract and quill from his hand.

"oops" she said, after the quill slipped through her fingers and onto the floor, she bent down to pick it up but in a swift movement she grabbed Technoblade's sword and quickly tossed it towards him.

"Oh you'll regret that-" Dream growled, one arm wrapping around Ophelia's shoulders, pressing her back into him and the other holding his own sword against her neck.

Technoblade grabbed his sword and pointed at Dream. "Technoblade drop it or she dies." Dream stated, growing more and more furious to how relentless this girl was.

Technoblade sighed frustratedly and turned towards the girl. "Why didn't you just use the sword yourself?" He asked, frazzled at how many times she had been close the death today alone.

"Because I needed a distraction." She said. The man had been so focused on Technoblade he didn't see her hand inching towards the dagger that was strapped on her thigh. In one movement she grabbed it and stuck it on the green eyed mans leg, making him drop his sword and yell in pain.

Ophelia quickly grabbed Technoblade's armor and shouted "Techno run!!" she said making a dash for the door with Technoblade right behind.

970 words.

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