Chapter 1

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Pebblewing sits around the Moonpool with Shatteredwing, his mentor Sedgehare, and Frozenlake. He eyes the Copperclan she-cat, noticing the scars that any cat could point out of her long matted fur. The tom quickly pretended to rub his nose as Frozenlake shared his gaze. Sedgehare cleared her throat, glaring at her apprentice with a disappointed look.

Shatteredwing gracefully swished his tabby tail, looking to all of the medicine cats.

"Let's begin." He croaks. Pebblewing shivered at the older tom. His voice sounded like claws scraping on a rock. It hurt the young medicine apprentices ears.

Sighing, Pebblewing and the others all touch their noses to the Moonstone at the same time, and a bright light shone in their faces As always, Pebblewing would find himself and starclan being met with some ancestor he didn't care about. "I knew your grandmother" this and "your so lucky to still be alive in Silverclan" that. Although he didn't know what that last comment meant. He was born in Silverclan. The cats who say that never come back.

When his eyes opened he found himself in a field. Very different from what he usually saw. It looked like a refugee camp, with wounded starclan cats lying around. Less wounded ones were trying their best to stop bleeding wounds. Rat bones were scattered in the field. But there weren't any rats in Starclan that Pebblewing knew of. What...happened?

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Snapped a voice. Pebblewing turned his head and saw a grizzled old she. Her fur was a dark brown. The she-cats muzzle was graying and her ears were chewed up. She looks like an otter who had an accident during birth-

"I can hear you!" She screeched, clawing at him. However, her claws only went through Pebblewing and he groan.

"What do you want? Are you some relative of mine cause I've met enough of them." He narrowed his eyes. The tom couldn't find any family resemblance. At. All.

"And...why does everybody look so," Pebblewing stares at the cats who seemed to be in the same condition of the old she. "Dead?"

"We found out about his lies." She muttered, following Pebblewings gaze. He turns back to her with a confused look. Flicking his tail nervously, Pebblewing sat beside her.

"I am not a relative of yours." She mews, sitting beside me. "I am Otterface."

She gives him a stern look, still upset about his crude comment. Pebblewing ducks his head sheepishly.

"Blazeclan and Silverclan are lying to you. To your sisters and to your parents." Pebblewing opens his muzzle. I don't have sisters! I have a brother! Otterface whacks the gray toms muzzle with her bushy tail to shut him up.

"Your parents are not Silvertongue and Tornface. Your real parents are Dovepetal and Falconcall from Copperclan."

"Your sisters are Ivoryfrost and Onyxflare."

The medicine apprentice scoffed and turned away from her, his expression changing to worried. Just listen to what she says and then ignore it later. She has to be kidding. Right? Pureclans perfect little angel? Pebblewings sister? And a weakling Copperclan cat? Theres no way he could be related to these cats. He yowled as the she-cat yanked at his ringed tail.

"You treat your sisters with respect! Copperclan cats are the same as any." Otterface cleared her throat and shook out her fur.

"There was a prophecy. Three siblings born on a bright, blue full moon, the brightest of the season-we called them the 'pure imperfections'- would put an end to the 'corrupted saints'." Otterface chuckled to herself and licked her chest-fur with pride.

"I came up with those names, ya know." Pebblewing nodded, completely uninterested in the catchy names some she-cat came up with.

"Onyxflare is in danger, but not as much as Ivoryfrost. She was raised by him." Otterface turns to look at the wounded starclan cats, sighing sadly. Him? Pebblewing tilted his head.

"The dark forest were the cause of this. They helped keep Pureclans intentions a secret from the others. And Silverclan. We're all blind." Pebblewing glances at her sadly. I was told a lie my entire life.

She sighed and returned his gaze. "It's not Silverclans fault. They were fooled too."

Her voice sounded tired. Pebblewing felt pity for the she-cat. For over 14 moons these cats had to stay quiet while Brightstar was controlling all of them. Sighing, he sits up.

"What do I need to do?"

"You need to find them. Talk to them. Tell them the truth."

First chapter! How did you guys like it?

Onyxflare is next !

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