Chapter 8

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Ivoryfrost flicked her ear as she heard the sound of paw steps outside of the warriors den. She was hiding in her nest, moss littering her snowy-white pelt. Raising her head she looked in dismay as Frozenfur padded inside. The queen shooed away Egretkit and Snowkit as they bounded over to her with a cheerful expression.

"No no. Go away you two." Frozenfur snapped. They both frowned and slowly trudged back to the nursery.

Ivoryfrost sighed and turned her head the other way.

"Shouldn't you be watching them or something?" She asked. Frozenfur sighed and rolled her eyes, walking over to Ivoryfrosts nests.

"Oh dear, I never really wanted them. But Brightstar has convinced me that you won't be continuing his 'leader material' bloodline anytime soon." She scoffed as though Ivoryfrost was supposed to know that by now. The young warrior turned with a hurt look on her face. Even if Egretkit and Snowkit aren't my real kin, their like family to me. And continuing Brightstars stupid bloodline? Like he's any leader material at all. Frozenfur backed up, surprised at her reaction to her words.

"Egretkit and Snowkit deserve better." Ivoryfrost hissed, turning away once again.

Frozenfur, again, looks completely unfazed and sat down beside Ivoryfrost. The snowy-white she-cat backed away a little bit, but to avoid any suspicion she sat back down.

"Are you ok my dear?" Frozenfur asked.

"Fine," Ivoryfrost muttered, licking her chest fur in annoyance. The queen seemed completely oblivious of how Ivoryfrost felt and smiled.

"Wonderful! There's someone who I want you to meet." She lead the warrior outside of the den. What am I doing? Don't follow her? Ivoryfrost thought to herself. However, she followed the older she-cat outside of the den and was immediately met with the annoying face of Owlcreek. Ooooh no. Ivoryfrost knew exactly what was happening. The mottled brown tom smiled widely at the young warrior as Frozenfur beamed at him.

"Owlcreek is very fond of you, Ivoryfrost."

"Yeah, like he was fond of Coalstrike?" She snapped back. Frozenfurs eye flinched in annoyance, and she leaned in to whisper something in Ivoryfrosts ear.

"You treat him with respect or you can gladly go complain Brightstar." Ivoryfrosts gaze shifted to Pureclans leader who was staring at her threateningly. She sighed and forced a smile at Owlcreek.

"I'm flattered but you were a full grown warrior before I was even born. It's just a bit too creepy for me. Sorry." Owlcreek flicked his tail calmly, although his eyes flashed with anger. Sighing, he whispered to the young she-cat and looked towards Brightstar.

"He knows you were with someone after the gathering. He doesn't trust you anymore, you little brat." He hissed. Ivoryfrost flinches and backs away from Owlcreek but he only stands closer.

"The only think keeping him from ripping you into shreds is if you prove your being with me." Owlcreek raises his head proudly. Ivoryfrost gawked at him.

"Never!" She hissed in disgust.

"I'll find some other way. Thank you very much." She scoffed, turning away. Leaving Owlcreek in the dust, ignoring his angry hissing, she stomped over to Brightstars den only to be stopped by the same tom from a few minutes back. Now Owlcreek was angry, lashing his tail as he circled the white warrior. Brightstar leaped down from his ledge and padded over to the two. Owlcreek took one look at him and quickly smoothed down his fur, looking calm and collected while his eyes still hinted his fury.

"What's the matter? Why aren't you two bonding well? I was told you were very close." His eyes narrowed at
Ivoryfrost who lowered her head.

"You can't make me spend the rest of my miserable life with him." Ivoryfrost snapped. Both toms narrowed their eyes as Brightstar asked.

"Why not?"

"Because," a voice mewed from afar. Murkynose pads out of the darkness and over to Ivoryfrost with a smile. She flinched as he brushes pelts with her, turning to look at her father. She looked at the young tom with a 'what are you doing?' Look. He looks back at her and widens his eyes. 'I'm trying to help you.' She opens her muzzle, then closes it.

"She's taken." He mews boldly. Brightstar looks at Ivoryfrost.


She nodded hurriedly, still refusing to look in the leaders eyes. Owlcreek turned to Brightstar for support but the mottled gray tom shrugged.

"So be it then." He walked away and hid in his den. Owlcreek snarled at Murkynose. The bengal tom smirked mischievously and waved his tail peacefully.

"You- I'll-I swear to you that I'll-" The older warrior stammered.

"Exactly. You'll do nothing." Murkynose sneered in a hush whisper. Owlcreek hissed and stormed off angrily. Ivoryfrost let out a sigh of relief and touched noses with the bengal tom.

"Thank you Murkynose. I would have been stuck with that fox-heart if you didn't do something." She purred, rubbing her neck against his. The bengal tom gushed and pulled away. He playfully flicked his tail.

"Aw- it was nothing." He chuckled. Ivoryfrosts eyes shone with respect for the young tom as she took a kittenstep back away from him, realizing how close she was to the bengal tom. She ducked her head awkwardly and looked up at the sky. The moon was beginning to set and the she-cats eyelids began to droop. She yawned, loud enough for Murkynose to ear. His ears pricked up.

"Oh! I'm sorry, you must be tired." He mewed. Ivoryfrost dipped her head.

"Goodnight, Murkynose." She mewed, swiftly turning around. Murkynose hesitantly ran over to her side. She flinched in surprise and gave the tom a confused look. When he realized that Ivoryfrost didn't know why he followed her, he looked to the warriors den.

"Oh, I'm just tryna get to my nest." He quickened his pace as he ducked into the den. Ivoryfrost raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes, scoffing. A smile formed on her face as Murkynose curled up in a nest nearby hers. Ivoryfrost stopped at her nest and moved it away from him a little, still smiling at the thought as she spread out her paws on the moss nest, falling asleep to the sound of Murkynoses soft snoring.


Is that a ship I smell?

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