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It was a warm new-leaf evening, the snow on the ground was almost gone and the rivers were flooded. Birds chirped, even during the rainfall and flowers grew in every corner of the huge, dense forest of Copperclan. In Silverclan, the wetlands were quiet and animals of all kinds grazed and drank peacefully under the light of the full moon. And everywhere you looked there were deer scampering around the meadow in Pureclan. All three clans were relived after the end of leaf-bare. And with new-leaf comes new life.

In the small, mangled clan of Copperclan lies a queen with her three kits. All very different from one another, but alike in one particular way. All of them were born when the moon was full and as blue as a newborn kits eyes. The moonlight shone brightly through the medicine den and onto the queen and her kits, brightening up their pelt.

Everybody knew these kits were special. All of the leaders and medicine cats got a dream from starclan, praising these kits future. It made them dangerous. Dovepetal cradles them as Falconcall pads inside the medicine den, purring loudly as he sat beside his mate.

"Two she-kits and one tom." The queen mewed softly, her eyes glued to the three. One of the kits, a tom, let out a sigh and kicked at one of his sisters. A pure-white she-kit cried out in retaliation and snapped back, pawing at her brothers face. The last kit though strayed away from her siblings, happily resting behind her mother as she wasn't hungry like the others. Besides, the kit would rather be alone than fawned over.

"You know these kits are in danger, right?" A blue colorpoint she said in the back of the medicine den.

"With the prophecy, their lives will never be normal." She hissed to the parents. Falconcall narrowed his eyes at her and scoffed.

"That's not important right now, Frozenlake. Our kits are still here, are they not?" Frozenlake scoffs and pads outside to give the two some space.

"What will you name them?" Falconcall asks.

Dovepetal moves herself slightly to show the black she-kit beside her flank.

"I've already named her Onyxkit." She smiled, hiding the kit once more. Falconcall nodded, approving the name. Quietly, the tom looked to his two other kits. His gaze stopped on the tom and he gave it a lick on the head.

"I think I'll name you-"

"Blazeclan!" Cried a dark tabby tom, running inside the medicine den.

"And Silverclan." Falconcall sat up immediately, looking at Dovepetal.

"Protect them." He mewed. Dovepetal hissed and sat up, lashing her bushy tail. She wasn't about to sit here like a tame dog and wait for her clan to protect her! She was Copperclan for Starclan sake, she can fight for herself!

"I'm not going to sit here and wait for them to take our kits." Dovepetal hurriedly covers her kits with moss and she pushed past the toms and stood defensively in front of the medicine den. Falconcall and the tabby tom looked to each other and shrugged. What's the worst that could happen? It's a few warriors against a queen protecting her kits. They both knew who would win. Both of the toms decided that the she would be fine and they ran off into the battle.

And they weren't winning.

Silverclan and Blazeclan were overwhelming Copperclan, and nobody would help them. Why would they? Copperclan is weak, and full of half-clan kits. The only reason Copperclan exists is because Silverclan and Blazeclan traitors couldn't find mates inside their own clan. Why should they be seen anything other than a mistake?

Two toms, Brightstar and Spokenstar approach Dovepetal with their claws unsheathed.

"This doesn't have to end in death. Just give us the kits and you can have another litter next new-leaf." Spokenstar mewed, trying to negotiate with the she. Dovepetal scoffed and tossed her head back, mrrrowing in laughter.

"If you think I'm going to let you take my kits then-"

She grunts as Brightstar pounces on her, pinning her down. The queen struggled frantically as Spokenstar hesitantly approaches her newborns, who had wriggled their way out of their hiding. All accept Onyxkit. Spokenstar picked up both of them and stopped as he left the den, waiting for Brightstar. The leader dug his claws into the queens cheek, leaping off of her and padding up to Spokenstars side.

"Are those the only ones?" Spokenstar and Brightstar look to Dovepetal. She knew she had to lie. Or they'd take Onyxkit too, and she can't loose all of her kits. Sighing, she looked down in defeat, making it seem like she had lost her kits all together. Brightstar scoffed and kicked dust in the gray she's eye before leaving. Once they left the whole camp got quiet. Everyone knew who lost.

And it wasn't Copperclan. Cats gathered around the medicine den as Dovepetal dove into the pile of moss, digging Onyxkit out. She let out a quiet sob as she cradled her only kit in her paws. Falconcall pushed past the others and pinned his ears to his skull, mournfully nuzzling the black she-kit.

Copperclan knew that the biggest lost in this battle were the couples two other kits. They didn't know what Blazeclan and Silverclan do to them, but it probably wasn't good. Nobody was going to run after them and get the kits back. They all knew it would only make things worse. The only thing they can do is mourn for the expected death of Dovepetals kits.

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