Chapter 7

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Onyxflare was quiet when she got back to camp. Dovepetal and Falconcall surrounded her as they asked her questions like 'where were you?' Or, 'You better have not been sneaking around with a cat from another clan!' That was her fathers comment. But she could only stare blankly at them as she felt a lump in her throat. How will I tell them?

"I need to talk to you." She looked at both of them, sadness in her eyes. The couple looked at each other, then back at their daughter.

"And Raggedstar. And Holloweyes. It's important."


"I don't understand why he's here." Falconcall hissed at Holloweyes. The brown-and-white tom huddled close to Onyxflare, placing his tail on the distraught she-cats shoulder.

"I just need him here." Onyxflare muttered, looking at Raggedstar. The brown tabby nodded, and the warrior began to speak.

"My siblings are alive." Dovepetals eyes widened, but she hid her surprise with a flick of her ear. Shaking his head, Falconcall scoffed at his daughter.

"No no. They got lost. Died." He changed his lie after Dovepetal glared at him.

"No. I met them. Their alive. My sister and brother are alive." Everyone stared at her like she was crazy. Dovepetal slowly looked up at Falconcall and he did the same. Could it be?

"They were taken so long ago...I thought they killed them." Her father muttered, looking down at his paws. Dovepetal looked at Onyxflare frantically, her gray fur rippling in anticipation.

"What are there names? Tell me, what were they named?"

"Ivoryfrost and Pebblewing." Her parents happy faces dropped at the name of 'Ivoryfrost.' Wailing, Dovepetal buried her head into Falconcalls brown-and-white fur. Onyxflare couldn't tell what the problem was but Raggedstar also had a look of hopelessness on her face.

"We've lost her." The elegant she muttered.

Onyxflares ears pricked up. "What? No no! She's as upset as you are! At this point I'm not surprised if she's brash enough to kill Brightstar!" She chuckled nervously.

"Don't you get it? Brightstar is manipulative. That's the only reason why your siblings were taken. Spokenstar was tricked by that Pureclans serpent! And so is your sister." Dovepetal cried, pulling away from her mate.

"Please! Just-" Onyxflare turned to Raggedstar. "Please. You need to trust me. Pebblewing and the rest of starclan have a plan. A plan to save us all!"

Raggedstar froze, and looked at the young warrior questioningly.

"What do you mean the rest of starclan?"

Onyxflare looked down. "Pureclan fought them back too. Their the only ones who aren't under Brightstars corruption. But if we get rid of him-"

"Getting rid of that flea-eater will do nothing! Pureclan cats were raised to think that Copperclan and Silverclan are lesser than. Who's says that the'll just be another leader like Brightstar?" Falconcall asked his kit with a raised eyebrow.

"Like I said." She mewed through clenched teeth. "You just need to trust me. And my siblings."

"If this backfires..." Raggedstar sighed as she got up to leave the warriors den. Looking over her shoulder, staring directly at Onyxflare she hisses in a hushed whisper.

"I'll exile you."

Onyxflares eyes widened. That seems a little harsh. Her parents followed shortly after, talking in a hushed whisper about their long-lost kits. She turned to Holloweyes who had been quiet the entire time. He looks at her and frowns.

"You better be right on this. I don't want you to get exiled. It'll be lonely." She snorted and shoved his shoulder.

"Don't worry. You always have Pandaleaf." Holloweyes pawed at Onyxflares face, purring playfully.

"Stop! I'd rather be exiled with you then have to be in the same nest with her!" Paw steps came from the dens entrance. The two both turned. Well speak of the devil. Pandaleaf stared at the two for a while before quietly walking to her nest without another word. Holloweyes sighed and looked guiltily at Onyxflare. She shrugged and stood up to find her nest. She sniffed around in the dark until she found it.

As she laid down in her nest, she felt Holloweyes curl up next to her. She purred quietly as she fell asleep to the sound of crickets outside of the den.

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