Chapter 10

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Ivoryfrost groaned, an unfamiliar scent in her nose. Where am I? She wasn't in her nest, that was for sure. Opening one eye she saw a bengal pelt next to her. Oh. She raised herself, glancing at Murkynose who was still fast asleep. In fact, everyone else was still sleeping. This is the perfect time to find Pebblewing. She thought. Carefully pulling away from the sleeping tom, Ivoryfrost silently apologized to Murkynose before heading off to Silverclan territory.

"Where are you going?" Asked a voice. Ivoryfrost turned her head. Deadpaw looked up at her with a suspicious look.

"I'm uh, going on a walk." She saw her apprentices face light up.

"Alone." Deadpaw groaned, and limped away with her tail dragging on the ground. I'm sorry. Ivoryfrost thought, walking out of camp with a somber look. I wish I could be a better mentor Deadpaw, truly. She sighed and looked at the path ahead of her. The wetlands were nearby and she could already see the cattails that was made as a barrier between the two clans territory's.

But this is much more important.


Ivoryfrosts heart beat faster as she took a paw step into the Silverclan camp. Everyone was asleep. Ivoryfrost was surprised at how protected the camp was, as she'd never been in it before. It was on a island in the middle of a pond, but it was a bit taller than the sea level so they wouldn't have to worry about flooding. Every den was built into a stone wall about the size of a fox, each one of them having different markings made by mud on the side of it.

The warriors obviously had the larger den where a Silverclan cat put their muddy, unsheathed paw above it. Next to it was a smaller den with the same symbol, but the claws were sheathed. Apprentices, maybe? Elders, she guessed had a withering flower print. Multiple marigold flowers were scattered around the den. A few were dried out from the sun. I guess they have to repaint those symbols everytime it rains... Ivoryfrost thought.

The nursery had a flower symbol. It also had flowers growing around the den, but they weren't withered like the elders had. The leaders had a star-snapped oak tree leaf on their den, which was under a sharp stone poking out of the ground across from the three other dens. Lastly was the medicine den which had a leaf like the leaders, but it was much smoother. Ivoryfrost was amazed by Silverclan. They were completely organized while Pureclan had dens based off of how strong, or how expendable they were. Luckily Ivoryfrost wasn't one of the expendable.

She ducked her head into the medicine den to see her brother sleeping soundly next to Sedgehare.

"Psst." Pebblewings ears pricked up. Ivoryfrost pawed at the gray tom once again. He groaned and lazily raised his head.

"If you have a stomach ache wait it out til the sun rises." He muttered, rubbing his eyes. Ivoryfrost scoffed and flicked her tail in irritation.

"Some medicine cat you are." She muttered, helping the now surprised tom up. He gasped silently.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in a hushed, but annoyed whisper.

"I just wanted to know if starclan said anything to you." The tom hesitated, but then shook his head. Ivoryfrost let out a loud, disappointed sigh. Her brother quickly shoved his ringed tail on her muzzle as the sleeping Sedgehare shifted in her nest. The two held their breath, hoping she wouldn't wake up. They exhaled as the she-cat snored softly, still fast asleep.

"Im sorry. They haven't spoken to me since they told me the truth." Pebblewing frowned.

"Im hoping that Onyxflare has a plan for us. Owlcreek always drags me along on those checkup patrols anyways." Ivoryfrost groaned, thinking of the old brown tom. Pebblewing shivered.

"I met that tom before. He told me that medicine cats were cowards." He frowned, pinning his ears back. Ivoryfrost looked up at the tom who had a sad expression on his face.

"He smells like a swamp anyways." She purred. Pebblewing chuckled softly, looking back again at his sleeping mentor.

"She's crazy." He whispered softly. Ivoryfrost raised an eyebrow.

"How so?"

"She got mad at me and tore up the entire herb pile." Pebblewings eyes widened with fear of the dilute she cat. Ivoryfrost wrinkled her nose in disgust as she looked at the peaceful medicine cat. During the gatherings she'd always seemed boastful, but never acted like this.

"When can we speak again? Onyxflare included?" Ivoryfrost asked her brother. Pebblewing looked down to think for a second before replying.

"Best I can think of is during the next gathering." Ivoryfrost groaned.

"Unless I can sneak away for a while..." The gray tom trailed off, swishing his tail back and forth questioningly. Ivoryfrost silently nodded, turning around to leave.

"Tomorrow when I go on the checkup patrol, I'll speak to Onyxflare."

"Alright. Goodbye, Ivoryfrost." The she-cat lingered at the entrance, staying silent for a while before replying.

"Goodbye brother."

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