Paul/Is Everyone Safe

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I woke up and looked around. I noticed that Richard was in the room and his head was down. Where was everyone else. I panicked and hoped they were ok.

Richard heard the heart monitor go really fast and looked at me. "Not, this time. Paul, it is ok calm down."

I looked into his eyes and grabbed his hand. He then got on his phone and called several people speaking loudly. He did hit my help button. I was checked. They noticed I was in the middle of a panic attack. I was happy they were letting me go.

When we walked out the room into the waiting area I saw Flake, Till, Schneider, and Oli. They all hugged me. We did go back on the tour we didn't finish. I was happy that there were no more problems that it was finally over.

We were in Berlin when I started singing and doing my thing. I saw Richard crying and I didn't understand why. I then after the show went to find him but couldn't. I went to our house and found him in his office on the floor.

I walked over to him. "Reesh, are you ok?"

He looked up. "No, for a minute I thought I made the wrong choice?"

I sat down and put my arm around him. "What do you mean?"

"How much do you remember?"

"I remember telling everyone to get down. I remember putting my guitar down. I remember knocking you down. Then going down a flight of steps and you landed on top of me. I then passed out."

He started crying. "My guitar hit you so hard it ruptured your spleen. You were dead for awhile. You about bleed to death. Me and Flake tried to bring you back but. I used a last resort. I had to..."

"Adrenaline to the chest. How am I still functioning?"

He broke down harder. I realized how lucky I was and Richard didn't give up. If he had I would not be standing here. I hugged him. I let him cry.

"Reesh, love you and thank you."

"I love you too Paul."

We did go back to doing music. All the things we liked to do. Everything did get better with no more problems.

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