Ganyu final y revelaed to her roomies that she is actualyl dating their housewife Thomas (for real!) and they actually kiss and hold handz
it was kinda weird because they where worried gahnu would get special tretatment from tohma because theyre are dating btu they did nto. ganyu was so happy in her romaine that she wante d ot tell her dad and her borhte r so she and thoma driver to Liueu to see themZhongli was in the housde and he gave Thoma quiz
"Will you give my daughter everything "
"YEs" said thoma"
"Will you be nice ot my daughter"
"Yes" said toma
"I am zhongli"
"Yes" said thoma
"good man i dont want anythign o happened to her do you udnerstand blond country singer man" Zhongli have him a stern expresso
"Yes sir i am good man:)" Good Thoma
"Dad where is Giao" Ganuy interupted them
"He's in the hostipal " Gonwlowglong said with said tears in hsi eyes running down hisface mascarae. :(
"Oh noo what hapened" Ganyu saud
"The blue hair and pronouns teacher hurt him because she is homphobic and i am zhongli" he cried sadly
"Its okay iwe can visit him too he should mee t my boyfriend thoma""]
"Me too i also think that" Thoma said agreedment
"Derek are you unnecessarily critical of Meredith Grey" Zhongli nodded and watched them leave
Ghoma and Tanyu were in the hsaoptial help i can't spell:( and they Xiao
he said "Holy shit it's the uber east guy!"""and he was in the hospital
"oh em gee i rememebr you" thoma said he
"He's my boyfrined" Ganyu explained and she explained
the bible of verr goldet