kaeya went to ebay and he sold him boobie on ebay for 12 million dollars nad his bobes removed from top srugery (kaeya
and the buwyer was EUAL?????? nad she brought kaeya;s bobs on ebay for 12 million dolalrs. (USD) she go t the packag and he whole plan was to see where the package sippe d from (aeya's sddress) so that she could trak him dowN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 bt then alan walsked into the window an d said "yelan why are you holding boobs thats kinda gay i think ur being sus boss" and eula held a gun o her head "no i hav these to track down ikea the vehical criminal>:(((((( im no tgay i ahte GAY PEOPL !!" and then she she put kaeyas boosb into a box, into a nother box, maield it ot herself and smassed it with a hammer and then mailed the brocken box oto Allberto so he could expolde it at the nuclear reactor ilsnad.
eula picked up the packa eand sai "we have kaey's addres..... now it s time we blow up his houes .>:)" but kaeya had no i dea ther boobs would give his locaion away/
the bible of verr goldet