Save my best friend!

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It's another late day of practice and the sun has already set. Phichit's walking down the sidewalk towards his dorm when his phone starts ringing. The ringtone is set for Yuuri so he immediately answers as he pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Hey Yuuri!" Phichit's cheery tone turns into one of concern when he hears Yuuri whimper. "Are you okay?"

"Phichit-kun, I really don't feel like being alone right now. Things are getting really intense and I just can't stand to tell Viktor. He's done so much for me already. It wouldn't be fair of me to ask him to stay." Yuuri sobs softly as he considers what to do.

Yuuri had been living in Russia ever since Viktor announced he would continue to be Yuuri's coach. Phichit is currently living in Detroit while he works with Coach Celestino. There were definitely other close friends nearby but Phichit already knew Yuuri wasn't comfortable enough to ask them to stay with him.

"Yuuri, what do you need from me? Do you wanna talk about it or do you want me to get on Skype with you so we can hang out? I'm walking up to my apartment right now and it's my weekend so I can do anything you wanna do." Phichit unlocks his door and steps inside while closing the door before walking over to his desk. He sits as he logs into Skype while waiting for Yuuri to reply. "Yuu-chan, I miss your lovely voice. Are you okay?"

Concern fills Phichit when Yuuri doesn't laugh or answer right away. The only thing heard on the other end is quiet sobbing. This is a lot worse than Phichit had originally thought and dread filled him at the thought that Phichit wasn't able to be there for Yuuri the way he needed to be.

"Yuuri? I love you Yuuri. Are you able to tell me what's going on? Why do you think you're a burden to Viktor?" There's a pause before Yuuri takes a shaky breath and answers.

"So many people say that I've destroyed Viktor's career and stole him away from skating. Even though I know that's not true, I can't help but to believe there might be some reason to it. If I weren't so weak minded maybe I wouldn't have failed so badly and he wouldn't have had to quit skating to become my coach. I ruined everything and it's all my fault." Yuuri's voice breaks as he sobs.

Devastation rips through Phichit like a tide threatening to pull him under. "Yuuri, none of this is anyone's fault. Sometimes things just happen and besides, Viktor has said many times that he was inspired by you when he saw your video. Hell, you even inspire me to be better. No matter what anyone says, you are one of the most amazing people I've ever met. The world wouldn't have any sense without you. I love you Yuuri."

"Phichit-kun, I just don't know if I can handle that kind of pressure... The only thing I want is for these thoughts to stop. I just want to go home." The call suddenly ends just as Phichit is about to respond.

It takes a moment for Phichit to process what Yuuri said but as soon as Phichit realizes it, he frantically gets up. The only thing Phichit can think of is getting to Coach Celestino. Celestino is ideally the person to talk to for these types of situations but Phichit always wants to try his best in helping his friend. That's why he always goes to Celestino if Phichit can't help Yuuri enough.

Thankfully, Celestino's apartment is just across the courtyard in another building. Phichit sprints towards Celestino's door and stops in a skid before knocking. He hunches over before throwing his arms in the air while standing upright to take a deep breath. Just as he catches his breath Coach Celestino opens the door.

"Phichit? What do you need?" Celestino is still wearing his jumpsuit from practice but opens the door for Phichit to step in.

"Coach, it's Yuuri. It's really bad this time. I couldn't help him and I think he's gonna do something to hurt himself. He just hung up and I keep being sent to voicemail. I think he turned his phone off." Phichit says in one breath. He breathes deep while Celestino thinks of what to do.

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