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I'm awake... I'm alive... 

I come into consciousness but find it difficult to open my eyes or even think. The only thing I can think for certain is that I'm tired.

I just wanna go back to sleep...


Why did they have to bring me back?

I hated that thought because I know they care. Whoever brought me here must've been shocked to see me like that. I hate the idea that I had to put anyone else through that. But because of my selfishness, someone had to see me in a terrible state.

I'm sorry... I just can't deal with this right now. I'll tell you how much I regret this. When I'm ready to try again...


"-All we can say is that he's been through a lot and he's obviously in a lot of mental torment. This is probably the only way his body knows how to heal his mind. At this point, we have to trust him and let him heal on his own time. I wish I could tell you more but unfortunately, because of lack of research on mental health, it's hard to say why some take longer than others. I do believe he will make a full recovery and wake up when he is ready. And when he does wake up, I think it would be a good idea that you all be here for him."

The voice fades in and out as I struggle to wake up. I can hear my mom talking with the person who spoke but it all fades as I slowly try to shake my head back and forth to force the sleep away. A groan escapes my throat as my head starts to pound along with my heartbeat.

"Yuuri!" I hear my mother exclaim as I feel cool, gentle hands rub the hair back from my forehead. Another hand comes to my shoulder and slowly guides me to lay back against the bed. My mother's voice sounds again, "Yuuri, I don't know how you must feel right now but I'm here. Lay down and rest, honey. Rest as long and as much as you need. We'll all be here waiting for you."

My eyes are still closed but I can feel the tears welling behind my eyelids. I'm still fighting the darkness when I try to tell her how much I love her. I hope she can understand.

"I love you mom."


This time when I wake up, I feel a warm hand holding mine. The room is quiet except for the monitors beeping. Sounds from the outside hallway filter through the door allowing muffled footsteps and voices to echo softly in the dimly lit room.

I'm able to finally open my eyes and look about the room. The rush of exhaustion doesn't come so I turn to look at who's holding my hand only to find Phichit resting his head against the bed, softly snoring. Something about seeing him here like this makes my chest constrict.

A cuff around my arm starts to fill with air and tightens around my bicep as I glance towards the window. The blinds are nearly closed but raised from the windowsill enough to allow a peek at the sky which is darkened. I look around the room trying to find a clock but only notice a small whiteboard next to the door that has the date written at the very top.

If the date on the board is right, that would mean that I've been unconscious for nearly two weeks.

The monitor starts to chime and a nurse walks in. She's looking at a clipboard when she comes in and only notices that I'm awake when she looks up. "Well, good evening sleeping beauty. How are you feeling?"

"I don't know." My voice is raspy and my throat is so dry, it itches and I have to stifle a cough. The nurse nods and pours some water from a small pitcher that's sitting on a stand next to the bed. She unwraps a straw and puts it in the cup before handing the cup to me.

A Turn For The Worse... Victuuri FanficWhere stories live. Discover now