Nothing I could do...

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Phichit is sitting in the waiting room with coach Celestino and Yuuri's parents and sister. Hiroko sniffles into a handkerchief as she holds hands with Toshiya and Mari has her arm wrapped around her mother's shoulders. Mari's head is bowed, a crease in her brow as she mutters quiet prayers for Yuuri.

They arrived at the hospital at the same time and were ushered into a secluded waiting room where they anxiously wait for anyone to come to tell them when they can see Yuuri. A hollow emptiness sits in the middle of Phichit's chest as he looks around the room with vacant eyes.

Viktor sits next to Phichit's right and Chris sits on the other side of Viktor, both looking traumatized with wide, shadowed eyes. Celestino leans forward with his arms resting on his legs and his chin resting on his fisted hands. There's a thick tension filling the disturbingly quiet room. Any noises from the main hospital muffled. The sound of quick footsteps passing in the hallway rachets Phichit's nerves even higher as they wait.

A soft knock sounds on the door before it's pushed open by a nurse in blue scrubs. He steps inside and is followed by a doctor in a white coat, both of their faces pinched as the door closes behind them. Everyone in the room sits up and turns to face them.

"Is my son okay? Can we see him?" Hiroko's voice is strained and breaks when she speaks. Her tone sounds defeated.

"Not yet, our team is still working with him. He's done a lot to himself that's making it difficult to keep him stable. We just wanted to come and keep you updated on his condition. We're fighting to keep a steady heartbeat which is what we came to talk to you about." The doctor pauses as he takes a deep breath. "Right now, it's hard to say if his condition will get better and we would like to discuss our options."

A painful lump forms in Phichit's throat which is difficult to swallow. Before he has a chance to think, a question is forced from his lungs. "What do you mean by 'discuss our options'?"

Everyone in the room holds their breath as they wait for the doctor to reply.

"The amount and type of medicines Yuuri has taken isn't mixing well with the alcohol he ingested and even though we've administered a cleansing purge of his system, the affect has already taken its toll on Yuuri's body. We lost his heartbeat once and were able to successfully revive him but because of the low heart rate, we wanted to ask the parents what we can do should his state start to deteriorate." The doctor finishes speaking and looks to Hiroko and Toshiya.

A horrified look crosses their faces as they look at each other. Hiroko sobs and wrenches her eyes closed as she shakes her head violently side to side. Toshiya clutches her hand and hugs her closely as Mari covers her face, her shoulders shaking as she silently cries. Viktor leans over and rakes his hands through his hair, Chris covers his mouth with a trembling hand as tears spill over onto his cheeks. Celestino sits back, stunned while Phichit goes still and grows pale.

"You have to do what you can to save my son." Hiroko says, her voice choked with sobs.

The doctor nods slowly with a grim look on his face. "I can promise that we will do all that we can to keep him here." He looks like he's about to say more when an urgent knock raps on the door.

Another nurse peeks her head in. "Sir, we need you back with the patient." Her tone is urgent as she holds open the door allowing the noise of rushing doctors and nurses to fill the room. A tone and robotic voice sounds over the intercom.

"All available staff, room 7-0-6 code blue, code blue."

"We will back as soon as possible." He says quickly as him and the two nurses rush out.

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